Tuesday 13 May 2008

SDRoads Stunned. A Cry~Out To Bush!

My friend and classmate had to do some research for a report. She's sitting next to me today and we are showing each other what we uncover. Her material is a bit different than mine. I said, "What was that?" She said, "I just turned it off... because I know how you get." Everyone that knows me knows that I am prone to panic attack these days. Ironically, as I was Googling for images of funeral bouquets, I found a story on Lorazepam. I shall post that, next. I never knew to what extent the brutality was. A moment of silence and respect for Nick Berg. I am so sorry this happened to you. I shall not even post a link here, to the execution, nor shall I post Nick's image. I am too upset and scared now. This reminds me when I accidently came across some horrifying and near arresting pictures of an electrocution while in another lab. She tells me, "He (Bush) said, *If I do it for one, I have to do it for all of them.* That's why I don't vote anymore."
I wonder, what would the current set of candidates have done. That is the question!
And that is my commentary. -SD
Image from www.lasr.net

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