Thursday 7 October 2010

Hott Topics A Lá SD Roads

1. Is there a restraining order between John Ramsey and John Mark Karr?
2. Was said restraining order adjusted when John Mark Karr became Alexis Reich, et al?
3. Did one Sam comment here at a post? -SD

Hott Topics A Lá SD Roads

JonBenét Ramsey Néws

A source has told me that information has been leaked out and a story is in the works. It is soon to be breaking out in the Globe and is to be distributed next month. It allegedly has 'shocking JonBenét murder video'. But this amateur reporter feels it is a play on words and in no way contains info on a snuff video. I say the words "JonBenét murder" refers to and stands for "the case". So string the words together and what do you have? Shocking JonBenét case video. It may not be more than some key people in the case discussing never before realeased information with some general video shots, perhaps even interview footage. Less it is the footage of John Mark Karr seen in the video when JonBenét Ramsey was singing a Christmas song at the mall allegedly hiding out there. Further, my source informed me of two websites, and I got a hunch there are some major players of the detective variety at the latter. -SD
Roads, reporting