Thursday 10 July 2008

The Ramsey Family

The Ramsey Family, in their entirety, are the most deserving family I know for such great news, such heartfelt news, the news of late!!!! Love, SDRoads (a.k.a., Shan...)

Post #10 of the day

Coffee Break Is Over

Post #9 of the day

One more thing before my coffee break out by the fish pond in the garden...

something well needed in a time like this... Someone I know sent me the following web address and asked if I would view it. It's, to me, controversial, however, I feel the need to share with you all all things of the world. By my putting up the site's address, here, it in no way means that I condone the actions nor the attitudes of the people mentioned within the following site. Thank you for your understanding. ... As a matter of fact, I have not even viewed it fully myself yet. -SD

Post #7 of the day

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This is all a bit draining.

I wanted to report about the local fires now, there are some very interesting statistics, but, I think I will just take a coffee break. The reason it is all so draining is because it all hits so close to home. I better hurry. I will have to be leaving this lab soon. -SD

Post #6 of the day

Thank you, to my friend, for last night's phone call. -SDRoads

Post #5 of the day

More Shocking Twists And Turns

There are around 3 videos in one, as I recall. Watch the entire thing, with respect to Nancy Grace. -SD

Post #4 of the day

JonBenet- The Sparkplug of the family

Post #3 of the day

Photo Source:

Congratulations John and Patsy Ramsey!!!

Post #2 of the day

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Hi. I was just able to get on this computer onto my site. I only wish I could have gotten here sooner.

Here is the video I just viewed:

I AM SO VERY HAPPY FOR JOHN AND THE LATE PATSY RAMSEY!!!!!!! I have so many things I'd like to report on. This is a bit of an emotional time for me, on so many different levels. I would like to say now, that I was taken back by what John said with regard to the "footprints in the snow" lie. I had mentioned here, as well as a few other places, as I recall, that I noticed the same thing that the Ramsey's came to find out as truth, at least, in part. I had made mention that there was not a lot of snow around the house for the statements that flooded the media to be true. It was a plot, "one of the strategies", to get the Ramsey's to talk... or for the killer to. View the avobe mentioned video to understand further. Thank you. Sincerely, SDRoads

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