Wednesday 23 December 2009

Please help

From the Desk of Speaking "SpeakingOf JonBenet December 23 at 5:13pm
The Fair Justice Foundation Seeks Information and Tips in the
1996 Murder of JonBenét Ramsey

Child’s Murder Remains Unsolved after 13 Years

ATLANTA, GA Dec. 23 -- The Fair Justice Foundation ( today released a list of behaviors and potential scenarios which may have been noticed about the person who killed JonBenét Ramsey, around the time of the murder. Six year old JonBenét Ramsey was found murdered in the basement of her home on December 26, 1996. After thirteen years the case remains unsolved.

In issuing the public plea, John Ramsey, JonBenét ’s father said, “We are hoping to jog memories and in doing so, asking everyone to examine their consciences.” He continued, “We’d like them to share any doubts or information they have about someone they know who may have behaved strangely or acted out of character around the time of my daughter’s murder.”

Fair Justice Foundation
The Fair Justice Foundation was founded to provide information and awareness to state legislators considering passage of a DNA Fingerprint Law. The DNA Fingerprint law would require that any person arrested for a felony be DNA Fingerprinted and that data be submitted to the National CODIS database."

photo of JonBenet on Christmas morning from

Hi y'all. This is from my facebook account, just now. :)

Sd RoadsYes!!!!!!!!!! PC access again!!: ) Right now, we are preparing for a party I am throwing tonight. Actually, my friend, Laura, and I are throwing it together. We are making a great team at it, and we weathered the holiday hustle and bustle well. The final hors d'oeuvre is in the oven. It is just a small get together of some of my neighbors. It'll be fun. I hope you all are having a great holidaytime day, today. -SD12 seconds ago clear

photo of silver bells with ribbon from