Wednesday, 4 February 2009

It*s Official!

The Digital Delay is on, after all the back and forth of late on the issue. It IS from this month postponed to June. And to think, I just bought my new HDTV, and special antenna, this past weekend. Oh well, at least I am ready for the summertime transfer. Are you yet ready? What*s your story? Please comment here on your general thoughts, and knowledge, of the transfer. Those spokes people on t.v. have been telling us to make the switch, on our end, early, so that we can be sure to have a smooth transition when the day of transfer actually arrives. The delay was for a host of reasons, including that some simply could not afford to get the converter box, nor to buy a new t.v. And, the government issued converter box coupons had run out. Jillian Barberie, of Good Day L.A., had asked, "Why don't (we) just print more coupons?" Steve Edwards, another host of the show, responded, "Well, that would be like printing new money."... at will. It's not that easy. She had nodded her head slightly in a perplexed understanding. *SD

photo of Jillian and Steve on the set from
photo of older t.v. from
photo of terrestrial view from

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