Friday, 24 July 2009

Oh dear!

I just realized that an earlier post of mine, The Recant, may lead some to believe I was writing of Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet*s mom, for I would often stand up for her. Let it be known it definately does NOT refer to her. I still would stand up for her and gladly speak of her wonderful attributes. No, it was, is, about someone else. No one told me they thought I meant Patsy, or asked if the post referred to her. It is something I just thought may happen for this site is dedicated to JonBenet and her family, along with JillianJon and children everywhere. I just had to state this. I thank you for reading. *SDRoads

To Rejoice

(From my latest facebook entry.) Sd Roads THANK YA JESUS! I finally got my authorization in the mail. I am now on the road to being tested for cancer once and for all! Ovarian and/or whatever. You don*t know how excited I am. Waited so long. Someone here recently prayed for my "healthy bill of goods". Someone special. Thank you. If, when, I get that, and I am in the clear, I will celebrate. If I do have the big C, I will, first, pray for a miracle, then...12 minutes ago · Comment ·

Sd Roads... then I will pray for the strength to get through it as gracefully and peacefully as Patsy Ramsey, a good woman, did. Yes, she had her trials with it, I am sure. And, when it came back and she finally succumbed, it was devastating to those that loved her. But, she fought like a trooper through it all, and, in the very end, truly came out unscathed. -SDRoads

To Recant

There once was a time where I would stand up for a gal, near vehemently, as well as make mention of her wonderful attributes. That time is no more. Once I find out that someone is capable of hurting someone, I no longer wish to glorify, if you will, the good points of that individual. For one thing, those attributes are fleeting. They may not even be real. I won*t divulge her name, though if I did that would be karma coming into full swing for her. However, I hearby recant all the wonderful things I ever wrote about that person, here and anywhere else. All the nice things I ever wrote were not in vain. For I give my trust freely, until proven otherwise: that the trust given should cease. To put it in the words of one I call friend, "She is not your friend. ... You and I don*t deserve to be hurt." Trust is a virtue that should never be broken. Further, trust is the basis on which all other things of a relationship, a friendship, grow. And that is my commentary. *SDRoads

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Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 08:55:56 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google Blogs Alert for: JonBenet

In Cold Blog: The JonBenet Ramsey Case: Never Give Up – Part Two
By Michelle McKee
Last month I did a piece on Boulder's JonBenet Ramsey murder case,
which got a far bigger and more heated response than anything else
I've written for In Cold Blog. Some readers agreed with what I said,
but others vehemently did not; ...
In Cold Blog -

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Ginnger was right all along.

A most suitable response for a place called mycryptogram. *SDRoads