Tuesday, 23 June 2009

In Family News

... ,today we were met with much luck and great timing. More to come. *SD ...

Rail Gate?

Railroaded? In Washington, did many die because the powers that be
refused to reinforce train cars, after repeated warnings? Did they put
passenger safety on the back burner, because it was "too expensive"?
Is that why many were injured and 4 died in yesterday*s crash?

Budget Crises Turmoil

Current Californian budget crises cuts will affect many for the next 3
years, those in the know predict. At a peaceful, yet emotional, rally
today, people spoke to news reporters, and the sentiment towards the
government at large was not favorable. Basically, it all boiled down
to the question: Why take money from those in need, when there are
"better places" to take the money from, such as from the overpaid
officials? I agree. There is probably more pocket change of the
overpaid officials, collectively, than most can ever dream of having
at one time. And that is my commentary. *SDRoads


We, here at the newscenter, are sad to learn of Ed McMahon*s passing.
Sidekick and friend to Johnny Carson for years, the Tonight Show*s Doc
Severenson said it best, in a series of quotes illuminating the life,
livelyhood, vitality, strength, and kindness of the adored t.v.
personality. I will work on getting those quotes for you all. He is
survived by a loving wife, 6 kids, 5 grandkids, and a host of fans.
Farewell, kind soul. He was like a ray of sunshine. I will surely miss
him. *SDRoads and Family

For additional questions to President

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SD Roads <sdroads@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:03:01 -0700
Subject: For additional questions to President
To: roadssd.thenewsceter@blogger.com

... turn to ABC*s PRIMETIME tomorrow night, at 10 p.m., 9 central. The
basis for the conference is healthcare, and the issues thereof. It is
to be filmed at the WhiteHouse. *SDRoads

Incredible Presidential News Conference Happening Now.

BULLETIN: Discussion of redirection of "the Fed" in a question and
answer period. Currently, the President is defending his consistancy
and that of its administration. Further, he states that the Iranians
have a choice to make in a `choose the right and we will help`
fashion. Also, he feels the status quo is unacceptable with respect to
the healthcare system. He wants reform. Our current healthcare system
dragged us, as a nation, down, financially. Premiums consistantly go
up, though income does not. He wants an exchange, a "marketplace" for
healthcare. He feels our pain. He reads 3 to 4 letters, his citizens
write to him, a day. He wants cowpanies that are not for profit based.
The narrative of the Iranian government of the President*s quotes are
not all accurate and planted, he feels. That was a response to the
question of wether or not he was in any way influenced by former
presidential running mate, John McCain, with respect to his views on
his response to the movement of the Iranian government. His witty and
humorous response was, "What do you think?" Laughter merrily filled
the room. Now he just discussed the need for health reform, discussing
how businesses are having to face tough decisions for healthcare
premiums keep rising from the healthcare industry. He had made a firm,
yet friendly, response to a woman questioner whom asked about his
smoking. He felt it was a human interest story, so he answered. Among
his answers were that he is "95 percent cured", falls of the wagon,
and does not smoke in front of his children, nor does he smoke
everyday. Conversation further went on to the country of Chile. He
feels they lead by example and is a good role model. They had entered
in to agreements with the Federal Government, and even with the state
level government of California. Continuing on, he again defended
himself by stating he does not have a crystal ball. Now he is
discussing the mortgage industry, how, though they help some, they
don*t keep pace. Two questions left. Unemployment rate of African
Americans and Mexican American are consistantly higher across the
board. The video asked about he feels is heartbreaking. Missed it.
They must have been referring to the Iranian woman protestor that was
videographed dying. The are certain international laws of freedom of
speech. To the Iranian Government, "We are watching." This is the
fourth news conference he has held since taking office, according to
ABC*s Charles Gibson. There was a lightning fast wrap up on behalf of
the President. It was held in the WhiteHouse Conference Room.
*SDRoads, reporting Not such a bad realtime report for somebody who
is texting. LoL Send