Wednesday, 16 September 2009

The Sick Day and the Gala

So, here we are. Shanathan and I are each taking a sick day today. Him with his sniffles and I with my sore throat. But, yesterday I got invited to a beautiful Gala event. I r.s.v.p.'d that I will be attending. That is making me feel better. It is hard when you and your child get sick within the first two weeks of school. And, outside of the sore throat, regarding my medical conditions, the good news there is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will just be a bit of a journey to get to that light. Further, there is a wonderful job waiting for me for when I am better. Well, time for me to pull out the gowns. It*s time to start preparing for the Gala. I am going to have to buy a new camera. Also, I am going to have to test my new hot rollers, too. :) *SD

photos of Betty Boop from:
photo of cartoon mommy and boy child from:
dream like photo (white gown) from: myspace

Well, it is off to bed for me.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, y*all. Have a great day tomorrow. I mean, today. ;) *SD

photo from photobucket


Last night I was accused. I was accused of being evasive and of not talking enough or writing enough. LoL ME!! Doesn*t that beat all? I actually speak and write too much... to some, anyway. I am just too trusting. Heck, I have given a complete stranger pass codes to some of my accounts, the most pertinent ones. I don*t advice that, but I am so glad that I did have that trusting heart. I give trust and the benefit of the doubt to all, less my gut instinct shrieks, "RUN!!" Well, that is the cop in me, who is just itchin to get out again. And if you are wondering how it came to pass that I gave out my email and site passcodes so easily, well, that*s easy to explain. I had a job to do and couldn*t get it done without the use of a computer, so I took on an assistant. Look, I am not here to state don*t trust anyone, ever. Part of my joy in life is to give that trust and benefit of the doubt. And, as my profile says, I love to be happy. My hope was to have everyone get along, work together in our areas of common interests, for the betterment of society, and even make a few friends along the way. And, I still hope for that. It will just be with some out of the picture, now. If you decide to be trusting, still, be ever so careful. I don*t play games, and never have, nor will I ever. And as for my accounts possibly being compromised, well, I will be o.k. because I have nothing to hide, I stand behind all I have ever done or said, and will ever do or say. I am proud of who I am and what I stand for and what my convictions are. My life is virtually an open book for the purpose of helping others and I am o.k. with that. Heck! Even my email was open for a time. But, what I can*t understand is how anyone could call me evasive when I tell everyone everything but the kitchen sink! LoL And, on a very serious note, how can anyone expect me to not be allowed some level of privacy, especially if another maintains their privacy right down to their real name. How can anyone even think of trying to be a friend to another all the while being evasive themselves. That is no basis for friendship. And, if it is to another that is a friendship I do not want. I am loyal to all. If I am approached by another that a person had hurt me, how is it that I am the one going to people playing games? Anyone who truly knows me knows that description does not fit. If I say that I don*t know something, then I don*t know something. And if I say that I don*t know something yet, then I don*t know something yet. I do not lie. And, anyone should take into consideration my loyalty. My loyalty I give to all, and not just a select privileged few. I give it until it is proven to do otherwise. But don*t get mad at me or anyone else because you are not given all of the information you seek the moment you snap your fingers! This, ESPECIALLY if you are one whom brings only sale crumbs to the table in the information department when it comes to yourself. I find that to be self centered action, or lack of action, and often times, manipulative. I have no time for those games. I want everyone to get along. Period. And, I won*t change that attribute for anyone! I have a job to do and I will not be compromised. So don*t ask. And I will not compromise another on purpose, ever!! If I can*t tell ya everything you wanna know, don*t get mad. Maybe I can*t. Maybe I don*t even have all the answers you seek. I am straight forward and don*t beat around the bush. Always have been that way and always will be. And, a word of advice, don*t ever take someones pass codes freely given and in friendship if you don*t trust or like someone. That is just wrong. And selfish. Be understanding and open. I find that often those who say others are evasive are usually that way themselves! And, that is my commentary, that is my heart. *SDRoads

photo of sentence (loyalty) from:
photo of bible verse from:
third photo from myspace