Friday, 18 December 2009

Love, SD and Family
Happy Holidays photo from

Dedicated to my beautiful cousin, Camille.

She died at the age of 8, when I was 9 years old. I was so very fortunate to get to know her when I moved back to Massachusetts, about a year and a half before she sadly died. Here are 4 links that remind me so of her:

Please copy and paste and view. Thanxx. -SD

I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU, CAMILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -My heart, Me, SD

photo of artistically dualed JonBenet from
photo of Heather in braids from
photo of JonBenet in pigtails from

This tree seems like such a sweet and festive image to me. -SD

And y'all know how much I love trees. :) This tree seems to be right for every season. Just love the heart placed in there. It reminds me of JonBenet Ramsey's heart that I believe was used for some sort of foundation for her. Perhaps not. I will quickly look that up, and then add to this post, here, with what I found out. I am not referring to the heart drawn on her hand. -SD Be back momentarily...

Ok. I did not yet find the heart image I was referring to. However, I did find a wonderful link about 2 very nice little angels, JonBenet Ramsey and Heather O' Rourke. Here is the link, but, please copy and paste it to use it:

another link:
There are memorial tribute videos for each of the 3 little girls in there.

THE PHOTO OF HEATHER INCLUDES THE HEART THAT I WAS SEARCHING FOR, MENTIONED ABOVE, THAT I JUST FOUND ON A FLUKE. I don't even think it is the same heart, but the pic includes another girl I was originally looking up, about 6 years ago, for I heard, sadly, she died. I grew up viewing that child on t.v. So, it was very sad to see she had died at the hands of murder, by her father, as I recall. I saw her, and her story, then clicked on links to Heather. When I went back online later, I Googled child actress murdered and it brought me to JonBenet. And that is how this whole thing got started. My heart went out to the families. AND, THE FIRSST LINK ABOVE, INCLUDES THAT OTHER LITTLE GIRL I HAVE MENTIONED, JUDITH BARSI. Now, I know her name again. Sleep soundly, little angels. Little angel warriors, watching over us. -SD

image of decorated tree from
image of Heather O'Rourke and murdered child actress from

Fwd: I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Krekorian, Councilmember-elect <>
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 8:45 AM
Subject: I Couldn't Have Done This Without You
To: "" <>

Dear Friend,

We did it! Thanks to your support, our campaign to change Los Angeles achieved a powerful victory that resonated throughout the city.

I could not have won this race and received this clear mandate for change without your help. I want to thank you for being such an invaluable supporter.

This was a remarkable campaign. I will never forget the countless friends, supporters, and volunteers who poured their hearts and souls into transforming the way business is done at City Hall. From the beginning, we faced immense challenges that caused many to assume I was the underdog. But we overcame those obstacles with the great power of grassroots organizing, listening to the people, and encouraging the empowerment of communities and ordinary citizens. I will forever be grateful for all you did to help in this effort.

Looking ahead, you and I know that the challenges we face are numerous and real. There are no quick fixes to the issues the city faces, but know this: together we will persevere, and together we will begin to create the kind of government that befits our extraordinary city and its extraordinary people.

In the coming weeks we will be finalizing plans for our swearing-in ceremony and you will be receiving an invitation to attend. I hope to see you there so we can take this momentous step together.

Thank you again for your support. Together, we made history, and together, we're going to change Los Angeles.

With my appreciation,

Paul Krekorian

Designed by Unlimited Access

Paid for by: Krekorian for City Council 2009 - General • 13063 Victory Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91606 • ID # 1321819

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13063 Victory Blvd Los Angeles CA 91606

From my facebook account, today.

Sd Roads This is from the profile of James DiStefano, as his current status: "♥ Put ♥ this ♥ on ♥ your ♥ status ♥ if ♥ you ♥ love ♥ someone ♥ who ♥ has ♥ or ♥ had ♥ cancer! ♥ All I want for Christmas is a CURE! ♥ Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer." ~ I have had it. I pray 4 a cure, too. & I also pray 4 a cure 4 Autism, 4 my oldest boy, Joe, & all children, as well as adults, of the world, of the present and future. -SD
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