Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Trouble In The Land

A few days ago, I decided to temporally shut this site down, as far as new posts are concerned only. Everything else about the site, including current CNN runs as well as the Video Bar would still be running, along with the ability for visitors to post comments within each post. Yesterday, I posted Au Revoir. I wanted to focus on my son's surgery and my health before delving back in here. At this point, the site is stationary and self running in some areas. Hours later, I received horrible word about something. I felt it my obligation to post again, at least one time, to make an Important Public Announcement. As I tried to do this today, I had experienced a host of things. Technical difficulties? I think not. I told my friend what I saw occurring on my screen. I got a bad vibe this was no ordinary technical difficulty. My friend got on this site off of his computer a couple of seats down. He watched and watched. He then yelped, "Someone's stealing your site!" I must look into this. From this point on, I will not be posting until this matter is corrected. I hope this day finds you all well. -SDRoads