Thursday, 26 April 2012


I was blessed in the last couple of weeks to hear more details of the gossip that had gone on about me. Blessed, so that I could know, and respond openly to those not so nice people whom talk behind other people's backs. For the record, I am NOT a hypochondriac!!! Get to know me and my medical situation before you judge. One doctor that insinuated that about me got in trouble. He let the cancer I had grow and was a drug pusher, drugs I refused to take. He had even admitted not telling people, patients, his patients, what they actually have. Many people in the world go homeless. It can happen to anyone! At anytime. Some of us go homeless to protect our children. Long story. KNOW something before you SPEAK it. Or, better yet, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all about people whom have done you no harm and it is unwarranted to slander another. If someone harmed you or another you have more of a right to say something. But make
sure what you say is related.-SD Roads POSTED BY SD Roads