Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Senator Kennedy Still A Trooper!

God Bless the Senator. *SDRoads and Family

The Pursuit of Class

Obama finally mentioned ALL classes. That*s so great! He also mentioned to all countries that We are a friend. Moreover, he stated that We are willing to out stretch our hand to them, if they will be willing to unclinch their fist. *SDRoads, reporting Good is coming.

Hi Billy and Family and the Pups

*SD and Family

Obama Quietly Overcome With Emotion!

I notice as I wave my tiny flag that my youngest wrote Obama*s name on
at the last historic event, while watching my little and humble black
and white t.v. *SD

Just In Time

After dropping off my son to school, I figured I had a few minutes to
go trouble shoot my site, edit, really. But the computer available at
the school*s Parent Center wouldn*t work. Another C.E.A.C. Member and
employee of the school is trying to get the Inauguration on the other
computer. Plus, they will be having a lot of the children view it.
Stated it is a special day in the morning announcements. I have just
enough time to get home to view it over a cup of coffee. One thing I
noticed before I left the house was what a special moment it was when
both the President and President Elect came walking out together and
just smiled as the crowd cheered on. They seemed to stand still in
time. Well, it*s about that time. *SD

Over Eggs And Tropical Mix Covered Yogurt

You know, over breakfast I just can*t help but think about just how
hard it is to sign off at a time like this. It feels like Christmas
AND New Year*s combined! Such a joyous time. And, what a great time
for our country! If Patsy were still here, I*m sure she*d be so
excited, perhaps even wearing red, white, blue, or a combination
thereof, right along with JonBenet. I know I will. Shanathan, too. I
just have to go now. It*s been fun. Again, thanxx for stopping by. I
am motioning the Salute *SD

Hey, one last thing.

I have a really strong feeling Obama will be o.k., safe from harm. *SD

SD, signing off

Well, it is time for me to start my day, and actually get out of bed.
Haha I*m getting up late, though. I think I*ll just rest for 15
minutes before jumping up. Have a great day, y*all! *SD

Please Pray

BEYOND. *SDRoads and Family

A Thanks and God Bless


Good morning Taliesin

*SD §

Correction for the locals.

The conversion data I used was odd and confusing... and, apparently,
wrong. The whole EDT vs EST thing. Well, I*m learning. Haha Sometimes
we learn from our mistakes. O.k. So, it is at 8:30 a.m. our time, that
the Inauguration will take place. Happy viewing... and dreaming. Dream
big, right along with the President Elect. Then, live out the dream
with him and his family. *SD

Correction for the locals.

The conversion data I used was odd and confusing... and, apparently,
wrong. The whole EDT vs EST thing. Well, I*m learning. Haha Sometimes
we learn from our mistakes. O.k. So, it is at 8:30 a.m. our time, that
the Inauguration will take place. Happy viewing... and dreaming. Dream
big, right along with the President Elect. Then, live out the dream
with him. *SD

Well, it is nearly half past 5...

, and coverage has already begun about the Inauguration, as promised
by Fox News. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your stance,
it is a usual work day for most citizens. And in today*s economic
climate, playing hookie is not advised. Many will try and balance work
or other responsibilities, such as school, and viewing the historic
event. This just in, locally, traffic is very light at this time. So,
it appears many are staying home to view this publicized piece of
history. Maybe they just want to keep warm. It has been reported that
this is the coldest Inauguration, just as it was quite cold for
President Reagan. I must e-mail my Professor and second the motion
that our midterm is held on this coming Monday, instead of this
Thursday evening, so that the focus can be on our country, along with
it*s future, our futures, today. He had suggested the possibility.
P.E. Obama assumes his positon at a time most are filled with anxiety
about our collective futures. The days are filled with parties, balls,
formal dinners, parades, even a prayer breakfast or two. Many will be
fortunate enough to view the Inauguration. Plus, there are many
stations, areas of comfort with large screen televisions, set up for
large numbers of public viewing. The tradition of going to a church
service before the Inauguration dates back many many years, all the
way to Roosevelt, but President Washington attended church beforehand
as well. P.E. Obama hopes as many as possible can view today*s event.
And those are the high lights. The Obamas are just abov to attend a
church service, before having coffee with the current highest of
officials in their last half day of service. Where will you be
watching? *SDRoads, reporting

Good Morning

Our Local Weather Forecast Valley Glen Tomor row*s high, 68*; low, 53*. ~SD