Saturday, 30 May 2009

Fwd: Google Alert - JonBenet

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Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 18:15:15 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google Blogs Alert for: JonBenet

JonBenet Ramsey Home For Sale / Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Southern ...
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Southern Colorado, Breaking News, News,
Weather, School Closings, Traffic from KKTV 11 News.
KKTV - HomePage - Headlines -

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Fwd: Google Alert - JonBenet

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From: Google Alerts <>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 15:31:11 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google News Alert for: JonBenet

JonBenet Ramsey home for sale for $2.29 million - Grand Junction,CO,USA
(AP) - The house where the body of JonBenet Ramsey was found more than
12 years ago is for sale again. The 7240-square-foot house in Boulder
is listed for ...

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The Dance

I got my Reunion/40th Birthday Bash dance afterall. It happened last night. While it came a week late, it was beautiful none the less. :) ;) *SD

The Mail

Well, word came in. Some good news for me. Some not-so-good news for California, with respect to its politics. It grandly appears that, and if speculation of mine being correct, all of the budget crises for California appears to be propaganda. I correct myself; not all. But, the bottom line leads to this question: Was it propaganda on behalf of the bigwigs? I have briefly interviewed 2 people today about this. Forgive me for not having exact details and quotes. I was without some of my tools of the trade; paper and pen... cil. LoL The gist is (...or with out my dictionary, for that matter~ double LoL) it all boils down to what people, namely politicians, some, I might add, want... And what they will do to get what the want, in the form of initiatives and propositions, etc., along with the vote for the next time they run (Yeah, right~ The words "dead in the water" had just come to one gentleman I am interviewing now.) In conclusion, this reminds me of the JonBenet Ramsey case with respect to the "politics" of the agencies involved in the case, along with the issues of the media. It is amazing what the media will report, fully knowing what is being reported on just may be propaganda. Maybe we will have the chance at an enjoyable summer after all. He¿l, most of us work hard enough to deserve that bit of reprieve. (And, YES, I wrote "reprieve". Deeper meaning there.) I know I do! I really NEED a break! And that is my commentary. *SDRoads