Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Fwd: Last Chance at Midnight

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Rose Kapolczynski, Boxer for Senate"
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:42:27 GMT
Subject: Last Chance at Midnight
To: SD Roads

Dear SD,

The Boxer campaign is truly amazing. Earlier this month, more than 200 people submitted designs for our 2010 campaign poster contest. And over the past few days, nearly 10,000 people have already cast their votes in an effort to determine the winner.

But now, with just under 12 hours left to go until we close the contest and start tabulating the votes, I want to make sure that everyone's voice is heard.

Invite your friends to cast their votes for Barbara's 2010 campaign poster before tonight's midnight deadline!

Every one of Barbara's campaigns has been powered by grassroots support from friends like you, from her first run for Marin County Supervisor in 1972 to her current campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2010. And that's how it should be.

That's why this poster will make a difference. It's a visible sign of the strength and creativity of our grassroots supporters.

We can't wait to show off the new campaign poster at this weekend's California Democratic Party convention. Before we do that, though, we need your help one more time to help choose the poster.

When Barbara speaks to the California Democratic Party at the convention later this week, our new campaign poster will be a symbol of your support and the tens of thousands of other supporters.

Thanks so much for your help and active support of our campaign.


Rose Kapolczynski
Boxer for Senate


Paid for by Friends of Barbara Boxer.
Contributions to Friends of Barbara Boxer are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.
FEC #C00279315


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Quick editing by SDRoads

My favorite shot of me.

It is my favorite because of what I have entitled it today: Looking To A Brighter Future.

photo of SD from the SDR files

The first pic I want to post...

This is a pic of someone I went to high school with. He is a nice guy. We have been talking and hanging out recently. I must say, this pic of him when he was in school is very hott!!!!!!! But, he already knows that, I let him know. Rob, I am glad to know ya. -SD

Photo property of the owner, can be found in the SDR files. No reproduction without prior consent from Administration, on this, or any photo within this site. Thanxx for your cooperation. -SDRoads, Administrator

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is well. I will be posting some brand new pictures within the next 2 days. I am very excited about them. I know I am far more excited about this prospect than y'all are. LoL But, they are special to me, so I will post them none-the-less, for me Jillian. -SD