Tuesday, 24 March 2009

We'd like to introduce Our Cat of the Month Early

What's that? Chester Cat? LoL Chester is from the kid's show, Postman Pat. The cat is adorable. LoL Seriously. Chester will be showcased next month as Our Pet O' the Month, along with the great kid's program. -SD P.S. I just thought of something. Our Pet of the Month Segment SHOULD be about a bunny for the month of April. Haha

Let Them Drink Pure Water!

Each year, 4,200 children die from not having clean drinking water. UNICEF wants to help. Text TAP to 864233, to help provide 200 liters of clean drinking water to children in these impoverished areas. The total cost to you? It is a one time fee of 5 dollars, along with normal text rates, and any additional fee warranted by your mobile carrier, per your plan. The benefit to you? The feeling of joy knowing that you've helped children. The benefit to the children? LIFE! Please do this today. God's watching. ; ) Thanxx. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting ‘STOP’ to 864233... but, why would you want to? Anyway, just remember it is a one time charge that goes to UNICEF, with additional minute contractual charges to your mobile carrier. -SDRoads

UNICEF logo from www.dcthisweek.blogspot.com
Log on to that addy for more detailed information. I got my information from a poster at a bus stop. Thanxx, SD

Just a quick project.

It's entitled, Dark Chatzy. Hmmmm -SD