Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The Chilley Factor

And it*s cold over here, too. It*s been cold, every night. But not snowing, of course. But, it did in Nevada, Vegas, when I lived there. It*s so funny. A woman at the dinner party the other night told me that I don*t sound like I*m from California, I sound like I*m from where you*re from. And to think, you and I were just talkin about Key*s accent the other night. LoL And that*s our weather segment for the night. Haha I have some ideas for a weather segment here. I think you and I could really pull it off, Taliesin. Put that story up here of O.J.*s co-defendants, if you want. I didn*t get to read the link, in the email you sent me, yet. It looks interesting. Too hard for me to post that from the cell now. Oh, it*s possible. I*m just too tired to do all it would take to get that up at my site right now. And, I am in too much pain. I have to call my dad and I*m using a heating pad now. My left kidney has started to hurt again. I am trying hard to keep the levels up of antibiotic. Yeah, let*s do the weather thing here. T2UL *SD

The Chile Factor

Taliesin, we ended up having chile, too, with chicken. *SD

Well, it's back to work for me.

There is so much work to do. And I'd like to get it all done before my 4 week holiday vacation begins. But, before I go, I'd like to post a Christmas picture or two of Jonbenét, one of the angels this site is dedicated to. -SD

photos from www.acandyrose.com and www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtyxm0e5hs

I was looking for a photo from Christmastime On Main Street...

and found this. This is gorgeous, straight out of a dream, literally. I loved my Christmastime in Las Vegas, Nevada, when I had lived there before. I recall how beautiful Main Street Station looked, at Christmas, and every other time of year. -SDRoads

photo from www.city-data.com

This picture reminds me of a split cross between two homes I had lived in. Beautiful.

What wonderful memories. -SD

photo from www.downloadatoz.com

The Family Resemblance

Shanathan and Mommy
And Father and Son
photos from the SDR Files

Me, Just Bein' Silly

Here is the series of photos that landed me in hot water with my friend, with the same title, plus more. He said it was a bit 'racy'. LoL "Just Bein' Silly, is a subtitle, good for one photo. Other subtitles include "HAPPEEEEEE". Range of Emotions, by Chatta (Chatta/SD) -SD

The Artist, The ArtWork

photos from the SDR Files

The Resurrection

Bottoms Up~
From bottom to top:
1. Not Too Well
2. On My DeathBed
3. Slippin'
4. Gone
5. R.I.P. As The Soul Travels
6. Rigamortis
7. A Visit To Hell
8. Ahh, To Fly~ It's Great Bein' A Ghost

I had done a series of self portraits. My friend would chalk the photography. I am going to post them here, for, at the other site I store them at, the host is loosing them left and right. It would be a shame for me to loose some of that work. I have lost so much so far. And, I would like for my girl to see these some day. My boys already have the chance. I am also planning on posting some regular photos for family memories. I might as well here, since this is also a family newscenter, eh? The next set, above, is The Artist, The ArtWork. And after that will be a series of funny shots of me, being silly, that got me into a whole world of trouble with Key. More on that later. I am in the process of saving all from the other site, all that is left, onto my USB Drive. I will share all of those in time, along with the local and international news that strikes me. Thanxx for visiting. -SDRoads

photos from the SDR Files

The Catt

When I was in the hospital this weekend, because of a doctor's bothch up, I might add, there was a time when I had to get a cat scan. The trip to the machine is a story in itself. I'll tell that later. I had to put my arms up above my head as I lay there on the retractable bed that slides in and out of the "donut" cat scan machine with ease. I also had to hold my breath for a time, twice. My arms were not perfectly parallel. I had the thought of JonBenet, laying there in full rigamortis, arms over her head. This reminds me of a series of pictures I did, called The Resurection. I will post that next, above. -SD

My Shanathan's First Grade Picture

1st Grade, 2008
photo from the SDR files