Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Ahh At home, with me tootsies up, relaxing.

Watching a little t.v. About to look at the event book publication and plan out part of my holidays and put it on calendar. That's the Mom's Family Calendar, by Boynton. Great line of products. I highly recommend the one I have. It is a 17 month school year calendar. It even has a drop down storage pocket. A must for all moms... and dads, and all caretakers of children. $12.99 in the U.S.

Wondering how the elections went. Not doing the party thing. Will catch the news later. But, first, perhaps a little green tea and honey, nice and hot. It is a cozy night tonight. I have an interesting story about my Shanathan's elementary school and the elections, btw. Will save it for later. If you opt not to vote in this towne, you are just lookin' fer trouble. LoL Will go to facebook for all the latest election updates and coverage. LoLoLoL ;) HAPPY ELECTION NIGHT, Y'ALL. -SD


My Shanathan made me a couple of minuptes late. You know how kids can be. ;) But everyone ws late. Texts rolling in. -SD

Another Lovely Sunset

Heading to a Booster meeting and then a PTA evening meeting. Should be nice, as always. -SD