Monday, 25 February 2008

O.k. ... One more "story" for the day, extracted. I'm too tired to write my own today. -SD

For Officers Veentsra and Simmons, With Love, SDRoads

Trust Funds Established for Police Officer III+1 Randal Simmons and Police Officer III+1 James Veenstra
Los Angeles: Due to overwhelming support for LAPD Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team Officers Randal Simmons and James Veenstra, trust funds have been established in both their names through the Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union (LAPFC).
To make a donation, please go to: and click on the red square titled “LAPFCU Community Corner.” Donations may also be received by mail:
Blue Ribbon Trust Fund/ Officer Randal Simmons
Acct. 2030077-product code S4.12
16150 Sherman Way
Van Nuys, CA 91410
(877) 695-2732
Blue Ribbon Trust Fund/ Officer James Veenstra
Acct. 2030077-product code S4.13
16150 Sherman Way
Van Nuys, CA 91410
(877) 695-2732
Contributions in their honor may also be made to:
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation (213) 847-4239
Los Angeles Police Foundation (213) 489-4636
For additional information, please call LAPD Media Relations Section at (213) 485-3586.

Extracted from:

Dear Officer Veenstra, I am searching for answers to your emergency medical procedures and the progress thereof. Not an easy thing to do. Meanwhile, I hope, and pray for the best. With Sincerity, SDRoads

Dear Officer Simmons, may you be resting in peace! You' ve earned that right. Sincerely, SDRoads

Ode To A Great Lady!

This was written to me at a forum, with respect to The Memphis Three. It was written to me by a woman whom does not even know that she helped launch the entity "SDRoads". Sure, I am, and was, SDRoads, but, she helped "SD" come to life on screen... computer screen that is... not the Small Screen , or the Big Screen, or the "Gem Screen", for that matter. LoL She helped it come to life with merely nothing more than a personalized and warm welcome to the site she's a moderator at. And, I birthed it... and nurtured it. Thanxx "BB". Here we go:

"This case is another that intrigues me, SD. Confessions, law enforcement blunders, claims of innocence, new evidence. This is yet another cry against the death penalty. Here is a link to a site that may interest you: " (By, "BB")

From, SDRoads

P.S. And another great lady from that forum is 'n'... And another great man is 'g'... a.k.a. some license plate number, LoL, and his wife, another 'n', a.k.a. "my 'n'".... You are all really great people, along with JMK and 'B'... You know who you are. Bless you all. Love, SD

Oh, and by the way, BB, I have heard of this project before and dreamed of incorporating it into my and my JillianJon's case. In the interim , I had had been given information by my ex-attorney of another group that helps, ... along with a glimmer of hope. It 's called The Consortium. FAMILIES UNITE!!! -SD

Howdy Y'all!

I am not feeling at all well today. I just got back to class /lab from the school nurse a lil while ago. I won't be posting news stories this day. I look forward to getting back on that soon, along with updating my site's Amber Alerts. I hope this day finds you all well and safe. Thanxx for stopping by. Sincerely, SDRoads, Administrator
P.S. Hi Jillian. One day, you'll read this. ; ), : ). Love, Mom