Tuesday, 15 March 2011

This is from when I was in the hopital the other night. I was very dehydrated and that happened to my arm when they tried to give me an iv. They gave up. My vein ballooned. -SD FW:

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From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: Roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed Mar 16th, 2011 12:10 AM EDT

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FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Hi everyone..

Thank you very much. -SD

This comment and response post was authentically posted by me, SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue Mar 15th, 2011 9:12 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Hi everyone..

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hi everyone.":

Howdo! Thank u for a very fresh idea. I am wondering why i have never
though of this as well. I will definately try to use your blog for
getting some more fresh info!


R, Aron
my site

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Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 15 March 2011 18:12

Hi everyone.

Happy Tuesday from beautiful sunny Southern California! I hope this day finds you all well. I am not feeling well. I will keep trying to write in. Keep smilin'. God is in control. And he is good. If any of you have breathing troubles like me, please write in to roadssd@yahoo.com. We can get through this together. Thank you. -SD Roads

Hi everyone.

This Deportation thing...

has really gotten the best of me. Now, though different circumstances, I am living Hope Floats. Let the hope float up. I am at home now. I am sitting propped up with pillows. Easier to breath that way. Feeling like the Elephant Man. I am finally in bed after watchin' Hope Floats on the couch with my friend. He is helping me get through this. He visits a lot. But I just can't seem to stop cryin on and off. It is makin my lung feel worse. The deportation ripped somethin out of me. So, back in bed, after letting the mosquito out into the chilled night air, only with a little less proping up. Wrist band from the hospital still on. White. EKG hook ups still stuck to me. Slid down into the pillows a bit. Eyes wide open, yet half closed from congestion and crying. I can not believe any of this. Surreal. Too slippery. Like being a ghost. This is so hard. But hOpE lives. And God is good. -Shannon

This post submitted by Shannon, aka SD Roads Good night.

To Breath

The breathing problems I had for the last three weeks proved to be too much this evening. I walked to the hospital and about half way there, I stopped at a Catholic church. A nice woman gave me a ride the rest of the way and she and the lady with her prayed for me the entire way there in the vehicle. Their hands up in the air, less one for the driver kept one on the wheek. I held the hand of the passenger, a stranger yet not in Christ from the back seat. She did not expect it but let me and held lovingly. Earlier in the evening, at about 7.30 pm, I was at a prayer meeting at my church. I told them I think I better go and the husband and wife prayed for me and the wife annointed me with oil and her husband told me to claim the healing and thank Jesus. Allehluia Good things are coming. Yay, good things are here. Blessed be the Lord! -Me

This post submitted by me, SD Roads