Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Date Set

I got back from the 2 doctor appointments a bit ago. What a journey, and I don*t mean just vehicular. I*m bushed. More tests. More findings. Thank goodness they are finding these things. My biopsy for possible cancer set for the 3rd, of next month. :o I am so sleepy. If I don*t write again tonight, good night everyone. *SD

Well, it is 8:55 p.m., and I am still up, though sleepy. I can't really go to sleep until my Shanathan retires for the night, as well, unless, someone is there to watch him. I had the opportunity to use my friend's computer. I didn't want to miss the chance to edit the format. (I don't like the way it posts when I send posts from e-mail. I don't know what it is called, I only know I don't like it. LoL Lot's of editing to do.) And, I would like to leave this post on one last note: I never heard more beautiful words from a doc as I did today. Those words were, "Okay, here's the plan." YES!!!!!!! I won't be doing any more editing, after all. I am going back home. I feel really sick to my stomach with this medicine and pain killer I am on. I hope the ginger ale helps. -SD