Monday, 3 November 2008

Happy VOTE Day Eve!

Do your part. You count. And don*t forget to pick up your free goodies, given for voting. It is illegal to offer vote incentives, but it is not illegal to accept. Interesting. So Happy Voting, and happy snacking. Sweet dreams y*all. *SD

Mrs. Bush Happy

... that this term*s campaigning is coming to an end. She felt there was too much talk about her husband. *SDRoads, reporting

Will you help the firemen?

How will you vote on Prop. 11? *SD


There is Obama mania currently going on in Kenya. *SD

Yes on 3

Thanxx Jaimie Lee. *SD

Neutral Flame Discussion

Blue Talk In The Blue Room~ Bloomberg sighnd the bill. He felt it was the democratic thing to do. More to come. *SdRoads, flashing