Tuesday, 12 May 2009

And Speaking Of Rights

The follow up story for Trump and The Beauty Queen is quite impressive, and touching. And, many of the recent stories correlate. But, this amateur reporter is one sleepy gal. More later. *SD

photo of Tara from www.thenoiseboard.com
"Dec. 19, 2006: Miss USA 2006 Tara Conner is overcome with emotion during a news conference in New York City."
photos of Carrie Prejean from www.neultra.blogspot.com (wearing the Miss California sash) and www.inquisitr.com

Strike Update

Word in from my best friend was that the teacher*s strike was off, according to the news. So, I called the school to see if my friend and I have to work that day, to help care for and teach lessons to the kids during the strike. I couldn*t get a hold of anyone, because they were all in a meeting. Apparently, they got wind of the news as well, and held a meeting regarding the latest. The woman in the office then told me that the principle called the district directly. At that time, about 3.30 in the afternoon, things were still up in the air. According to the news tonight, the strike is definitely off in my estimation, for the Supreme Court put an injunction on it. One man I am interviewing now feels that is wrong, for it infringes upon their freedom of speech. He feels that the teachers were wrong to want to jeopardize the kids. However he feels the judiciary system is more wrong. He feels the system is taking away their freedom of speech. And speaking of freedom of speech, that leads to my next story. This story goes on to touch on very important issues. This interview will continue on. I will touch more on this later. Also, I will touch on another system; the Unions. *SDRoads, reporting

Here is the speech for class I prepared last night, that I mentioned below. I want to share it because I touch a bit on the, our, current economy. -SD

Hi. We want to cordially invite you to Our Oasis. This is the place to come and get away from it all, if even for just a small while. We all know how stressed out we can become. I mean, it is not just from school. Many people feel we ARE in a depression, similar to the Great Depression of 1929. Economic strife alone can take its toll on the human body. Business men shudder. And, here we are in school, to become, in a sense, business men and women by studying for a career. No matter what road you choose, you end up working, and whether you can be labeled a business person or not, we all have to work professionally in a business structure of some sort. Planning and studying for that day, along with a host of many other responsibilities we each may have, such as family, medical care, etc., can create a state of unrest. That can happen even to the best of us: those whom are prepared and have planned. So, we all need a break. We, the members of our team, Team Eight, devised a plan of our own... to help YOU relax! We invite you to Our Oasis every Friday, in the quad, for a 25 minute getaway that helps you not only get away, but also melt away what stress you have embedded in your body, and mind, already. You’ll receive a 25 minute massage by a licensed therapist, along with a complimentary foot soak and ice cold drink on us. It is 20 dollars for 25 minutes of heaven cascading around the tenseness of your neck, shoulders, and tiredness of your feet. All proceeds go to help pay for books and/or college entrance fees for deserving students, in the form of mini scholarships provided by us, and all who attend our getaway by paying for our service. We will be there every Friday, at the quad, center of campus, from 10:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m., over the next four weeks. Feel free to soak your feet at the same time your tenseness gets melted away by our therapist, in order to make it to your next class on time, and stress free. We hope to see you there. Come and escape with us! And, support a worthy cause. Thank you.
(By SDRoads)

a fire and emergency drill right in the middle

of going over the lessons and the set testing session for the kids. The fire department is on its way. We have all been safely evacuated out. Oh, and it was not a drill. Aye yi yi. I must get to my campus soon. ...Back to the meeting. The children are being released to their classes. *SDRoads, reporting

About to go over the lessons to be taught as well as the assignments. *SD

The Walk~Out

The teachers have planned a walk-out for Friday. I have been asked to help take care of the children whom will be left teaherless. We are having a meeting in a few minutes, and, then, a practice dry run. *SDRoads P.S. I am only sorry I will have to cross the picket line. They are announcing to the kids now over the loud speaker. Many, many parents do not even know yet. Key said they should inform the parents. Maybe they don't want there to be mass hysteria.

The Press Conference

Darn it! I am going to have to miss the 8 a.m. Press Conference with Trump and the current reigning beauty queen. Oh well, duty calls. Maybe I*ll get to see it at work. ;) *SD