Thank Terrance**** for the Smile here:
Aww. Too cool. Ya know, it works I am accepting this late. Thatz because, though I have taken virtually all of my Christmas decorations down, I have left three things up. Those are the family Christmas tree, Shane's tree, and mine. The last two are small. I just love trees!!! We decided to leave the tree in the living room decorationless until just before Valentine's Day. Then we will decorate it with hearts. Afterwards, we will place our Valentine's on that tree. And on St. Patty's Day, we will put up shamrocks made out of construction paper. For Easter, we will put up decorated eggs of non perishable kind. ; ) : ) -SD, thatz me
Sd received a Santa Smile at iSmile.
My friend Terrance gave me a Santa Smile. You can smile at me too! =)