Friday, 29 May 2009

Oh America

Oh AMERICA, with your GRAND OLD FLAG, and all those whom long to reside, ANCHORS AWEIGH. For AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL awaits. And for both citizens and those whom want to transform into citizens alike, THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND. May GOD BLESS AMERICA! And, ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, keep fighting for what is right, while on your AMERICAN PATROL. For there will be JOY TO THE WORLD! And, in the meantime, wave your STAR SPANGLED BANNERs. And I shall, too. For America, YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, HOME SWEET HOME. *SDRoads


Home of the free? Not so much, but thank God for the good we do have, and the bad we don*t. *SDRoads

A Dire Situation

Now, even those in highschool, along with the before metioned elementary school kids and college students, are being jilted out of summerschool... and their self navigated futures. *SDRoads, reporting

Jay Lenno*s Number*s Up

But in a good way. He is ending his show 'without a tear'. Bon Voyage Jay! *SD