Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The Swear

Word in: The Swearing in of the President will be on January 20th, the day after Martin Luther King Day, and it must be done by 12 noon. -SD

Another Repost, For A Special Lady

To PUT IT IN THE WORDS... of a great woman, Patsy Ramsey, "Start again!" This investigation, of the 1996 JonBenet Ramsey Murder, should be far from over. One thing I know is that many people often say, as though they were all cut from the same cookie sheet, that "Well, it had to be someone in the house!", among other too quick thinking views such as, but not limited to, "There were no shoe prints in the snow.". Now, to me, it is painstakingly obvious that snow was not encompassing the entire home and area outside that fateful day. Start again. And that is my commentary. -SDRoads
Photo sources:

Now, with particular attention to the photo with the view of the back of the house, no snow on this planet could have melted that fast. Apparently, those were shots of the "crime scene" taken at the timeframe of the crime. If they were derived from the dumpster and distributed, I do not know. -SD

Updates To Come

Hi y'all. I have access to a computer again. Yaay! Stay tuned for updates. Some of this site is stuck in The Fall. Haha If I know anything, I know it's winter up here in these parts. LoL Oh, and Word Wrap, so to speak, definately needs to be employed in some of my postings. It comes out that way, what reminds me of a haiku poem, when I post from my cell, particularly from Gmail, as I recall. -SD

This is interesting on so many different levels. -SD

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Google Blogs Alert for: JonBenet

Speaking of JonBenet....: curtain freaks
By gastedmyflabbers
"The House of Gold" is a twisted comedy about JonBenet's home as a living breathing thing. Created by Newburyport, CT playwright Gregory Moss' the play was staged this past summer and mentioned in the year end review of the Port's local ...
Speaking of JonBenet.... - http://jonbenetsblogs.blogspot.com/

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How does the saying go?

You catch more BB, I mean bees, with honey. *SD
