Thursday, 25 December 2008


As we open our presents from under the tree, with glee, I*d like to
say Happy Birthday to Jesus, Merry Christmas, and thank you. I*d also
like to thank and say Merry Christmas to Sparky and Newton at Gmail.
*SD and Family and Crew

Hi Gink


Santa Sighting

Word in: He has been spotted in San Francisco. *SDRoads, reporting


"... and for" every "other good thing (he) may have (had) done..." ~
Corrections made for Anonymous. ¤SD

Well, I figured I*d be in bed by 2:30 a.m. by the time everything is done.

I guess I am not too far off. And I haveto get up at 5 o*clock for the
yule log lighting. Will explain later. Too pooped now. But everything
is done. The stockings are all hung at various places in the house
with care. The presents are all under the tree. Why, even Santa Claus
has come. Wink And, even though I have to get up at 5 for the yule log
lighting, I can still rest, even doze off, for a couple of hours
before it is time to get up again. I just hope my hair curlers stay in
place and one does not untwirl and fall out in my sleep, as they had
the last 2 special occassions that I curled my hair. Then, I*d haveto
smooth out all the curls to match the smooth section. For if I try to
recurl the one section with a curling iron as a quick fix, it never
looks the same. I know from experience, unfortunately. LoL Well, I*m
all snug as a bug in a rug. Time for sleep. Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a goodnight... morning. *SDRoads