Sunday, 23 November 2008

A Revelation

A little while ago, I remembered something. It revealed to me the first event that led to my anxiety disorder, and it involved my daughter, my sweet JillianJon. I promise to share this with you all at an inspired time. The interesting, and telling thing, about this revelation, if you will, is that the journey down Panick Avenue, began long before I thought it had. But, it wasn*t evidenced until the time just before Patsy Ramsey*s demise that fateful summer day. This thought came to me before, but I had not put it into my long term memory. It also may not have been the stimulating, and inpirational, time then. All things in good time. And, the journey continues. *SDRoads

Oh yeah...

Good morning to 2\3rds of the country. Good afternoon to 1\3. Have a great day, and make it count. *SDRoads


After viewing the special aircraft, a thought came to me. There is that job where folk clean the inside of planes after flights. That would be a great job for me to have, not career, but job. (And, we all need a j o b now and again. It's good for the spirit.) Why, I wouldn*t have to go anywhere, nor the worry of it. I could get the thrill of being on a plane again, without the panick. I would just pack me own peanuts! LoL LoL *SD

UPDATE: The other day, I had the thought: I might just be able to do this. You know, the traveling thing. With respect to traveling on a ship, I might just do. Then, me daughter in England called, and that just confirmed my thoughts. We shall see. Any of you with any kind of phobias, that are quite handicapping, actually, contact me. We can work on these things together. More on this later. -SD 11/26/2008

Are We Headed For Another Great Depression?

Yes. HEADING there. *SD