Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Marilyn Rebirthed

See Monroe, and her story, on the latest edition of Vanity Fair (September 2008) -SD

Photo sources:
LaTimes and www.romancatholicblog.typepad.com

The Candle in the Wind

The candles flickr. -SD

The Double Take

"070719 - SANDY SPRINGS: John Mark Karr walks with the reporter as a pedestrian turns to look. With the media frenzy surrounding the case, Karr has received numerous complaints from neighbors since moving into the area. (PHOTO BY FANG LIANG/STAFF)"

...But, where is he now, you ask??? -SD
Thanxx flickr!
Quick editing and title by SDRoads


Photo source:

What if... just what if...

John Mark Karr was the one that called off the engagement? -SD

Photo source: www.washblade.com

GoldiLocks and the Three Chairs

Well, I guess I am very fortunate, and shouldn't have near completely broken down yesterday (Never let em see ya sweat!), but, after all, I am human. One of the things I am fortunate about is my daily commute... a pied. Yes, Virginia, in this day and age there really ARE people that don't have cars! So, first I get the pleasure of walking my son to school, escuela, and then, I get to what seems like skate my way into a winter wonderland. The campus, of the college I attend, is truly amazing. It has just the right mix of old meets new. Remember that feeling you would get 30 years ago, entering buildings that were less show, but full of life? The days when the outside of the building, along with the infrastructure, did not matter as much as what went on in and around those walls? Where, all of us seemed equal regardless of Class and things got done, but, never to hurt the earth , or the ecology, nor our futures, like these days, all in the so-called great name of technology. As we all know, modern technology has a lot of hindrances.  But, I digress. As I stroll into this little piece of heaven on earth, with it's 70's style buildings, and the bouquet of trees resurrected, by man or God, to create a perfect blending of winter wonderment and a summer oasis, and walk along the tree lined sidewalks, I feel a peace... and a hope. A hope for a brighter future, and a more stable tomorrow... for us all. Heck, the even have a Planetarium here! Sure, there is new construction all around,  but like I wrote before, it's where old meets new, a gentle and happy place to be. And that is my commentary. -SDRoads   Oh, and as for Goldie and the three chairs? That would be me and the three chairs I come to every school day for my classes and lab. This feels just right. -SD

Live, from New York, it's John Mark Karr! ...



Photos by SDRoads
Artistic structuring by SDRoads
Subject source: ABC New York, and my place.

Hearts That Break



Click on the above link. -SD
Photo sources:
info pending

Fw: Talie

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