Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Celebrate the new Season! -SD

Photo source: www.viewposters.blogspot.com

For Anonymous

Anonymous said...

21 September 2008 13:34

For my precious JillianJon

Something most wonderful happened yesterday, for you and our family. Love, Mom

There's a beautiful moon out tonight... this morning. Thank you God, for that. -SD

Aside from my computer class, and a quick favor, I think tomorrow I will take a computer free day... Well, it already is tomorrow, so, later today. Sleepy time now. Ooopps! Must study!

O.k. On to Topix now! Then, finish studying. Then, the vacation in DreamLand. I wonder what I will find there at Topix. Perhaps a nightmare. I know what I want to find in my dreams... or who. -SD

Topix, here I come!?

Thank you, anonymous. I commented back to you at that post. I have decided to venture over there after all. Wish me luck? Truly, I only long to find two people there, at this point. -SD