Sunday, 10 July 2011

Say What?

So this guy calls me @ midnight and says, 'I got her on the phone.' I think I had to say "hello" twice. Not too smooth on his part. Then rambles about the calibration of the donut machine. That's the ct machine I was in at the ER 2 days ago, mind you. I had to keep telling him, 'Nooo, I didn't want to be in that machine!!!" He kept insisting I should have insisted on having the scan again. He said that the machine was messed up. I kept telling him I was the problem: I could not stop moving. I even threatened to scream if the tech did not get me out at the time. I have been closterphobic since July 2006. The guy that called is in another state. He was never at the ER. THEN, he said, "You're watching chihuahua at midnight." with a tone as if to say it was wrong. It's a fricken movie on a Saturday night! What's so wrong with that? WTF?! Answer is: uh yeah. Chihuahua. Great movie by the way. I highly recommend. Any who, how has your day gone so far? -Shan
This post submitted by SD Roads, aka Shan, via Yahoo Mail