This will be a short day for me. I am not feeling so hott... actually, I AM feeling hot. I have the typical aches, fever, all of that stuff, that comes along with a cold. I have to leave the lab early and go buy lots of orange juice. I am already loaded up with chicken broth (Don't ask me how... yet! LoL) . While I am at it, I'll go ahead and get the supplies for the approaching weekend. Since I already know what I want to post today, I shall put it all in the order I would like for you to read it in, versus the usual reverse order it automatically gets displayed in.
I will be going on vacation soon. I won't be working on this site at all, for quite some time, from the time I call it quits until the end of summer. Scratch that, until Fall, sometime. I will definitely be back to cover current local, international, and family news.
Thank you for all whom have visited thus far. This site is still not officially opened. Basically, only a select few (given, a large number of select few) even know about this website, at this time. The official opening will be before Election Time. I would like to cover that ground. At that time, the site will become public.
It has been a joy working on this site, thus far. A friend of mine, along with another, actually, wants to add some elements to this site, so that it can be "unsurpassable" (Spell check please! Ha ha). They really see something in this site, something special. One of my friends told another gentleman something that I will never forget. He said that it is a good site, that he recommends it, and that "She's really dedicated to the site." (He said with quite the serious face, and expressive eyes.) It grandly appears they are as excited about this news blog as I am. That's great. Quite frankly, I don't care if this site is on the map or not. As long as you get a joy out of something... that is the most important thing. Because, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, and your number's up, you can't take it with you. ... all except the love. And that is my commentary. ... And yes, I still have those previous news stories piled up. LoL I seem to have everything piled up now, in plastic boxes, for I am moving very shortly, before I take my vacation. And for some odd reason, I couldn't seem to find any of my youngest son's sox ( I should have written it as "socks". I seem to like "x" es. Haha) today. LoL By the time I submit the stories, they will be old hat, old news, rather. Which reminds me, I have yet to finish the segment below about why I work on this site, why it is important to me. I shall quickly do that today before I leave. I hope you all have a grand day! Thanxx for your time and consideration.
Post #1 of the day
SD's Pond of Ponder