Friday, 25 July 2008

Hello Welcomed Guests!

This will be a short day for me. I am not feeling so hott... actually, I AM feeling hot. I have the typical aches, fever, all of that stuff, that comes along with a cold. I have to leave the lab early and go buy lots of orange juice. I am already loaded up with chicken broth (Don't ask me how... yet! LoL) . While I am at it, I'll go ahead and get the supplies for the approaching weekend. Since I already know what I want to post today, I shall put it all in the order I would like for you to read it in, versus the usual reverse order it automatically gets displayed in.
I will be going on vacation soon. I won't be working on this site at all, for quite some time, from the time I call it quits until the end of summer. Scratch that, until Fall, sometime. I will definitely be back to cover current local, international, and family news.
Thank you for all whom have visited thus far. This site is still not officially opened. Basically, only a select few (given, a large number of select few) even know about this website, at this time. The official opening will be before Election Time. I would like to cover that ground. At that time, the site will become public.
It has been a joy working on this site, thus far. A friend of mine, along with another, actually, wants to add some elements to this site, so that it can be "unsurpassable" (Spell check please! Ha ha). They really see something in this site, something special. One of my friends told another gentleman something that I will never forget. He said that it is a good site, that he recommends it, and that "She's really dedicated to the site." (He said with quite the serious face, and expressive eyes.) It grandly appears they are as excited about this news blog as I am. That's great. Quite frankly, I don't care if this site is on the map or not. As long as you get a joy out of something... that is the most important thing. Because, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, and your number's up, you can't take it with you. ... all except the love. And that is my commentary. ... And yes, I still have those previous news stories piled up. LoL I seem to have everything piled up now, in plastic boxes, for I am moving very shortly, before I take my vacation. And for some odd reason, I couldn't seem to find any of my youngest son's sox ( I should have written it as "socks". I seem to like "x" es. Haha) today. LoL By the time I submit the stories, they will be old hat, old news, rather. Which reminds me, I have yet to finish the segment below about why I work on this site, why it is important to me. I shall quickly do that today before I leave. I hope you all have a grand day! Thanxx for your time and consideration.


Post #1 of the day

SD's Pond of Ponder

About Good Ole Knott's... More Like Fort Knox

The following quotes from the comment section from a post below.

...MickeyWhite said...
thanks, AND Good Day!

23 July 2008 16:31

SDRoads said...
You are very welcome, Mickey. Everytime I write your name, I think of Mickey Mouse. Haha That's a good thing. Mickey Mouse is a very sweet character. It is most serene. Recently I went to DisneyLand, and just yesterday, I went to Magic Mountain. We got to visit with Snoopy, twice! (I am 38, and I still love Snoopy and the Gang! Good ole Charles Shultz.) It was great! A great place to bring the family. It was through a school field trip for my youngest son. There were lots of kids there, in groups, on school field trips, each with their own specially customized matching colored t-shirts. It was like a rainbow of visitors. I was lucky, I was a Chaperon. All the basics were paid for my trip. But boy, do I have a story for you on how much it all ended up costing me in cash. LoL Where do you like to visit? Do you have any special plans for the summer? -SDRoads

25 July 2008 11:49

Post #2 of the day.

More to come...

Photo Source:

For The FBI

The following is from an e-mail account:

~"Flag this messageRe: Anti-Terrorist And Monetary Crimes DivisionFriday, July 25, 2008 10:29 AM
From: "Xxxx... Xxxxxxxx..." Add sender to Contacts To:
You people are fools! You don't even realize who you are dealing with. For one thing, there is no account! For another, you have so much bad grammar, bad use of the English language, where you make it rather OBVIOUS you are not from the F.B.I. You are behaving as terrorists with this e-mail you and your group has sent. You are most disturbing, and, I WILL BE FORWARDING THIS TO THE REAL UNITED STATES FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION!!! You can count on that! This "little problem", as you call it, is most assuredly not of Mr. Xxxxxxxx...'s. It is of yours and it is a BIG PROBLEM. Do not, I repeat, do not contact this family again! I am the overseer of this site. You need to leave this gentleman alone, now!
--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Robert S. Muxxler, III wrote:

From: Robert S. Muxxler, III
Subject: Anti-Terrorist And Monetary Crimes Division
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 7:44 PM

Anti-Terrorist And Monetary Crimes DivisionFBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.Federal Bureau Of InvestigationJ.Edgar Hoover Building935 Pennsylvania Avenue, Nw Washington, D.C. 20535-0001www.fbi.govDATE: 17-7-2008Attention Fund Beneficiary, This is an official advice from the FBI Foreign Remittance TelegraphicDept, It Has Come To Our Notice That The C.B.N Bank Nigeria District HasReleased 10,500,000.00 U.S Dollars Into Bank Of America In Your Name As TheBeneficiary, By Inheritance Means.The C.B.N Bank Nigeria Knowing Fully Well That They Do Not Have EnoughFacilities To Effect This Payment From The United Kingdom To Your Account, UsedWhat
We Know As A Secret Diplomatic Transit Payment S.T.D.P To Pay This FundThrough Wire Transfer, They Used This Means To Complete The Payment.These letter serves as notification of the present transaction confirmed inyour name, on our research and investigations as a mode of operation with theFBI Banking Commission, we investigated a fresh transfer what of milliondollars as mentioned above in your name. The funds are undergoing properverifications to proof the legitimacy of the transaction, you are to provideall the legal documents to back up the transaction and clear all requirementson your behalf.They Are Still, Waiting For Confirmation From You On The Already TransferredFunds Which Was Made In Direct Transfer So That They Can Do Final Crediting ToYour Account. Secret Diplomatic Payments Are Not Made Unless The Funds AreRelated To Terrorist Activities Why Must Your Payment Be Made In
SecretTransfer, If Your Transaction Is Legitimate, If You Are Not A Terrorist, ThenWhy Did You Not Receive The Money Directly Into Your Account, This Is A PureCoded ,Means Of Payment? Records Which We Have Had With This Method Of Payment In The Past HasAlways Been Related To Terrorist Acts, We Do Not Want You To Get Into TroubleAs Soon As These Funds Reflect In Your Account In The U.S.A, So It Is Our DutyAs A Word Wide Commission To Correct This Little Problem Before This Fund WillBe Credited Into Your Personal Account. The funds are presently on hold forfurther proof of the legal documents before releasing directly to you.Due To The Increased Difficulty And Unnecessary Scrutiny By The AmericanAuthorities When Funds Come From Outside Of America, precisely Africa, The FBIBank Commission For Europe Has Stopped The Transfer On Its Way To DeliverPayment Of $10,500,000.00 To Debit Your Reserve
Account And Pay You Through ASecured Diplomatic Transit Account (S.D.T.A). We Govern And Oversees FundsTransfer For The World Bank And The Rest Of The World.We Advice You Contact Us Immediately, As The Funds Have Been Stopped AndAre Being Held In Our Custody ,Until You Can Be Able To Provide Us With ADiplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(Dist) Within 3 Days From The World LocalBank That Authorize The Transfer From Where The Funds Was Transferred From ToCertify That The Funds That You Are About To Receive From Nigeria AreAntiterrorist/Drug Free Or We Shall Have Cause To Cross And Impound ThePayment, We Shall Release The Funds Immediately We Receive This Legal Documents. We have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper verificationsand proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive thisfund, because of the amount involve, we want to make sure is a clean and
legalmoney you are about to receive. Be informed that the fund are now in UnitedState in your name , but right now we have ask the bank not to release thefund to anybody that comes to them , unless we ask them to do so, because wehave to carry out our investigations first before releasing the fund to you.Note that the fund is in the BANK OF AMERICA right now, but we have ask themnot to credit the fund to you yet, because we need a solid proof andverifications from you before releasing the funds. So to this regards you are to re-assure and proof to us that what you areabout to receive is a clean money by sending to us FBI Identification Recordand also Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST) to satisfy to us that themoney your about to receive is legitimate and real money. You are to forwardthe documents to us immediately if you have it in your possession, if youdon't have it let us know so that
we will direct and inform you where toobtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the bank holding thefunds the Bank Of America to go ahead Crediting your account immediately. This Documents are to be issued to you from the World Local Bank thatAuthorized the transfer, so get back to us immediately if you don't havethe document so that we will inform you the particular place to obtain thedocument in United Kingdom U.K, because we have come to realize that the fundwas Authorized by H.S.B.C Bank in London.THESE CONDITION IS VALID UNTIL 20TH OF JULY 2008 AFTER WE SHALL TAKE ACTIONS ON CANCELING THEPAYMENT AND THEN CHARGE YOU FOR ILLEGALLY MOVING FUNDS OUT OF NIGERIA .GUARANTEE: FUNDS WILL BE RELEASED ON CONFIRMATION OF THE DOCUMENT.Final Instruction:----60-Credit Payment Instruction: Irrevocable Credit Guarantee61-Beneficiary Has Full Power When Validation Is
Cleared62-Beneficiaries Bank in U.S.A., Can Only Release Funds62-Upon Confirmation From The World Bank/United Nations.64-Bearers Must Clear Bank Protocol and Validation Request---- The FBI today is providing a warning to the public against an ongoing schemeinvolving jury service and internet/phones fraud. The public needs to be awarethat individuals identifying themselves as U.S. court employees have beentelephonically contacting citizens and advising them that they have beenselected for jury duty. These individuals ask to verify names and SocialSecurity numbers then ask for credit card numbers. If the request is refused,citizens are then threatened with fines illegally. The judicial system does not contact people telephonically and ask for personalinformation such as your Social Security number, date of birth or credit cardnumbers. If you receive one of these phone calls, do not provide
any personalor confidential information to these individuals. This is an attempt to stealor to use your identity by obtaining your name, Social Security number andpotentially to apply for credit or credit cards or other loans in your name. Itis an attempt to defraud you. Crime and fraud is real, so be careful.Working closely with our partners in intelligence, law enforcement,military, and diplomatic circles, the FBI’s primary responsibility is toneutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the United States and helpdismantle terrorist networks/money laundry and internet fraud worldwide.Although protecting the United States from terrorist attacks and money laundryis our first priority, we remain committed to the defense of America againstforeign intelligence threats as well as the enforcement of federal criminallaws, all while respecting and defending the Constitution. If you’ve ever
watched one of those crime dramas on TV and heard the term“NCIC” mentioned in passing and wondered what it was, you’re probably notalone. NCIC, which stands for National Crime Information Center, is one of theunsung heroes of crime-fighting—little known to the public, but used everyday by law enforcement officers nationwide and even across the border to taketerrorists and criminals off the street, find missing persons and property, andsave lives. We’re very proud of NCIC’s legacy, but what’s most important to us iswhat it can do today,” says Bush. “We’re constantly trying to make itbetter and faster.” And we have, with a major technical upgrade in 1999 andimportant additions of terrorism and gang information in recent years.Robert S. Muxxler, IIIDirectorFederal Bureau of Investigation"~

Public Announcement
The above harassment has been going on for some time, and has become progressively worse. In part, it appears as though they want to help citizens. However, I feel it is just more scheming in my book, for if they truly wanted and want to protect people, they would not misrepresent who they are. I feel they are either connected to the people whom sent the original e-mail (not shown here) or ARE the same people. If people can gain one's trust, it is easier for them to get close, get what they need, (want, rather, for no one NEEDS to hurt others, in any way, unless for purposes of self protection and preservation), and sabotage your life, and the lives of others. There have been many e-mails sent out to many accounts. I have x'ed out certain parts of names and addresses for purposes of privacy and due diligence. I did not even want to read that e-mail in it's entirety, at that time. Stay safe, stay alert, stay strong! This is global. -SDRoads

Post #3 of the day

Image from the following web addy: