Friday, 20 August 2010


I have a very special letter to you all who visit this blog, coming soon. I want to write it tonight after my son is all tucked in... Perhaps later, just after I tuck myself in. :) It is a really busy day for me, today. But I would like to quickly give a thank you for all the wonderful comments here recently. They could not have come at a better time, this time of great loss for me. Thank you so much. That one where someone wrote that this site has gotten under their skin and for me to keep up the good work was so special and reminded me of Frank Sinatra. I just love the Frank Sinatra days! You all have given me an even greater sense of pride. Again, I thank you. More tonight. God Bless you all. We are all God's children. You are all special. -Shannon Marie, a.k.a. SD Roads