Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Congrats Shanathan!!

I am so proud of you!! -Mommy | My son will be recieving two medals tomorrow morning. -SD

Oh. One more thing on that. Those that thought they knew...

really didn't. So, I really have a great name for this web log. It is even better than the original. -SD

Well, as I just mentioned over at my facebook account...

my work is done. This, with respect to a certain topic. I won't be workin' that anymore. No more need to. That's a good thing. It is over. But I feel there is so much left unsaid by the masses. -SDRoads, A.X.

Good mornin y all!

Wexford Karr, a friend of mine, were talking just a bit ago. Something came up the other day. Moreover, a lot of things have been coming up, lately. Well, I asked him, Do you still want to be friends? He responded with a hearty, warm, quick chuckle and asked a resounding, Well why not? So, we are still good friends. Hooray!! We have to be, anyway. We have plans. Some pending, some not. It will be nice. Thanxx Wex! Thanxx for the friendship. We always have a blast of a time, eh? More on our plans later. :) Have a great day, y all! -SD