Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Christina the CandyStriper
On a lighter note...
Posted: November 27, 2007, 9:43am Eastern Standard Time by Mary Jo
Sugar Plum Dreams at Meeker Mansion
Sugar Plum Dreams will be decorating the Victorian Meeker Mansion in its annual Christmas Open House.
Docents will conduct tours of the 17 room Mansion, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites, including the ballroom, “widows walk,” six fireplaces [...]
Posted: November 26, 2007, 3:46am Eastern Standard Time by Mary Jo
I hope to catch this next year... My Sugar~Plum Dream -SD
Source: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.theseattletraveler.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/monorail-station-at-westlake-mall-thumb.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.blognetnews.com/seattlewa/feed.php%3Fchannel%3D77%26y%3D2007%26m%3D11&h=360&w=480&sz=81&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=pijmj3XtcrdG_M:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSports%2BAuthority%2BStore%2Bin%2BWestlake%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
Editing by SDRoads
No, I haven't forgotten the (pending) Public Announcement
Still, a bit too painful. Something I despise is when people say to other people the ridiculous phrase (I call it phrase, for now it has become one, by the high usage rate of the general public.), "It must be true because it bothers you." Which, in this case, that phrase had not been used (Thank God!). Just because a person gets hurt by an insult and/or accusation, doesn't make it true! Sometimes it hurts simply because it is an assault and an assassination on a person's character. And that is my commentary! -SDRoads
Image from www.missingpiecesshow.homestead.com
SDRoads Starting To Feel Better!
Thanxx to thoughts of Pam (Anderson variety), and how she is such a great mum, I am starting to feel better after becoming a bit anxious and near paralyzed from witnessing the beheading of Nick Berg. I did not want to view it, but, strangely, had trouble taking my eyes away. But, I quickly did once they threw him on the floor and cut to images (perhaps I blinked too hard, or DID turn away) of them (the monsters) getting on his back and making the initial cut. The struggle and fear he went through. The pleading. The agony. The sheer terror. How, oh how, can we the people, some of the people of God's earth, do things like this to one another? I just don't understand. Something has to be wrong with their brain chemistry to be able to do this in the first place. That's why I frown upon things like taking prescription medicine issued by doctors... even if it IS for anxiety. I am wrestling with that now. Thanxx, Pam, for being such a sweet and dear lady, a kind soul. I appreciate you as a person, for far, far more than your terrific looks. Now my other friend and classmate wants to see the video of Nick Berg's beheading. My initial friend I mentioned is helping him. As she walks over to his desk, I say near softly, "No, no, don't do that. It's evil (as she pats a near slap on my back as she gets up.) You don't want to see that." They ignore me. As she sits beside him, she proceeds to say, as she has been saying over and over again, throughout our visit at the lab, "I don't have my headphones." She also said to him, "You need to have the headphones to hear it." I immediately said, "No, no you don't want to hear that!" as he simultaneously said, "Hear it?! It's bad enough to see it!" I ended up laughing. As my good friend gink once said, "A moment of humor"... in all this chaos and terror. And that is my commentary. Now they are discussing how Nick Berg's beheading may have been fraudulent. She's showing me more. For some reason it is not coming up (the beheading) on his computer. She is searching on hers. I said, "No, no, I am all done with that!" She said, "O.k.... Free Beheadings Videos! Who the hell wants that?!" I am thinking to myself at this point, "Uh... you." As I type this I am near nervously laughing. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I sigh, "Oh my God, this is sick sh@#!" She then says, "What are you covering your ears for, you don't have on headphones?!" This, meaning we get no sound in this lab. I said, as I again nervously laugh, "I don't know!" I don't know if I am coming or going, now. My wires are getting all criss~crossed. Now she's tryin to show it to him! She said, "Hey, my computer won't backspace (all of a sudden). It must not like me anymore." Like you? Hell! That aint even the question! EVEN THE COMPUTER DOESN'T WANT TO SEE THIS SHI#! She flipped her screen his direction. I said, a bit more powerfully this time, "No, no, turn the screen." As I ever so passionately, yet gently, flip the screen back (several times, I might add!), I ask, "Would you PLEASE come over to her side to see this? I don't want to see that out of the corner of my eye!" He did. Then, they proceed to talk about it. I keep saying, "O.kaaay." "Alriiiiight" intermittently to block this shi# out. What must our teacher think! ~SD
Darn It!!!
I missed my chance the other day to see Pamela Anderson at the Dodger Stadium. The day after, she bought the kids baseball bats from Sports Authority in Westlake, on Westlake Blvd., the one she normally frequents. That particular store is one of the newer ones, being open about a year. Guess her and the kids were still in the spirit of the Baseball Season from the day before. She was a real winner of a mom to the kids that day, a regular A-Lister hitting a home~run. Though, it does take much much more than a mom to supply fabulous material goods to be a great mum, and she has it all. My daughter is named after one of her friends, along with my dad, and JonBenet Ramsey. Here's to Pam~ A real nice lady. -SDRoads
Image from www.mentalfloss.com
Look up http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/2294
Photos of that day shall be posted in the future. Me friends made it there. And I got a great autograph out a the deal for me son, though, I can't read it! LoL -SD
As I searched...
SDRoads Stunned. A Cry~Out To Bush!
My friend and classmate had to do some research for a report. She's sitting next to me today and we are showing each other what we uncover. Her material is a bit different than mine. I said, "What was that?" She said, "I just turned it off... because I know how you get." Everyone that knows me knows that I am prone to panic attack these days. Ironically, as I was Googling for images of funeral bouquets, I found a story on Lorazepam. I shall post that, next. I never knew to what extent the brutality was. A moment of silence and respect for Nick Berg. I am so sorry this happened to you. I shall not even post a link here, to the execution, nor shall I post Nick's image. I am too upset and scared now. This reminds me when I accidently came across some horrifying and near arresting pictures of an electrocution while in another lab. She tells me, "He (Bush) said, *If I do it for one, I have to do it for all of them.* That's why I don't vote anymore."
I wonder, what would the current set of candidates have done. That is the question!
And that is my commentary. -SD
Image from www.lasr.net
A Moment~torium
Missing Girl Found Dead In Neighbor's Home
Such a tragedy! The parents waited 4 hours to call authorities.
Missing Utah girl's body found in neighbor's home
12:09 PM MDT on Wednesday, April 2, 2008
South Salt Lake Police Department
This missing Utah girl was found dead in a neighbor's apartment shortly after an AMBER Alert was issued.
SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY - A community is grieving this morning after a 7-year-old girl is discovered murdered.
"It's a tragic ending to this case, one that will be difficult for us to deal with for a long time," said South Salt Lake Police Chief Chris Snyder.
Police took five men into custody for questioning and have since released at least two of them. This morning, a police officer told KSL a man will be formally charged in the crime. A man in handcuffs was walked out of South Salt Lake police headquarters around 6:50 a.m., loaded into a police car and taken to Salt Lake County Jail. We infer that he is the suspect who will be charged. Police haven't released his name. The status of the other men is unclear at this time.
Police found the body of Hser Nay Moo just a day after the little girl went missing from her family's apartment in South Salt Lake.
Ironically, the girl's body was found in the last apartment that was searched in the South Parc Townhome complex, where she lived. Agents weren't able to search that apartment during the initial sweep of the complex because no one was home and agents didn't have a search warrant to go inside. But they returned around 7:00 yesterday evening. Someone was home then. Four FBI agents asked to search the apartment. They were allowed in. That's where they found the body in the bathroom.
As neighbors looked on and police put up crime scene tape, forensic investigators closed in on the apartment where Hser Nay Moo's body was found.
We now launch into the next phase of this investigation, which obviously is the collection of evidence and prosecution of our suspected offenders," Snyder said.
Bystanders held a makeshift vigil while police worked. Neighbors say they knew bad news was to come when they saw authorities earlier in the evening running through the complex.
A neighbor, Maria Hernandez, said, "I saw two plain-clothed detectives running through the side. They were trying to hop the fence, and I told them, 'Come through here. It's quicker.' I let them through my house and out the back door. I saw them run. The minute I saw them pull out the police tape, I knew it was no good."
Police aren't saying what connection, if any, the suspects had to the girl's family. Nor would they comment on whether any had a criminal record. But they would say they are taking this case personally.
Snyder said, "I don't even think it needs to be said. This is a 7-year-old girl. Although we've only been on this case a very short time, people are emotionally invested. The investigators you see out here are operating on two days without sleep, and they refuse to go home. We wanted to bring closure to this thing as quickly as we possibly could."
How Moo died is not known. Police did say us they found trauma on the little girl's body.
A candlelight vigil was held last night after the severity of the situation set in. Hser Nay Moo was described as a bright, happy child with a smile that lit up a room. Brandie Egleston said of the girl, "She was happy. She played with everybody. Even though the language barrier, she could still make gestures. She was always happy. She was always smiling. She was missing her two front teeth. But very friendly, very happy."
Her family is devastated. A family friend said they are coping with the help of other families in the Burmese community. He also said her brothers are taking the news the hardest out of the entire family. "I think they're experiencing a lot of anger, a lot of feelings of guilt for maybe something they could have done, which of course they couldn't have done anything."
Family friend Paul Van Dyke said, "She was a wonderful girl. She had a light within her. [She was] vivacious, pretty, a joy to be around."
Article from: http://www.ktvb.com/news/localnews/stories/ktvbn-apr0208-hser_nay_moo.249bbd22.html
Quick editing by SDRoads
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