Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Ambassador, To Help Children

Johnathan Rhys-Meyers will become Ambassador for the Hope Foundation and travel to Calcutta. He had been quoted in February of this year as saying, “If I can use my name and celebrity to advance awareness of the great work the Hope Foundation does in some small way then I am delighted to be able to do so.” Hope director Maureen Forrest said: “We are absolutely delighted to welcome Jonathan as our ambassador and we look forward to forging a strong relationship with him.” They say he is to be helping children of Calcutta, but, I have a feeling he will be helping many more children as well, from all over the world. Just a hunch. -SD


You are not going to believe what I uncovered today about an entity called Family Preservations! Are they truly out to preserve the family? I was already armed with a lot of information, however, this information even blew me away. After further investigation, I will report my findings in their entirety. I realize that this can pose dangerous for me to report, however, the story needs to get out! Maybe, others can be helped before it was too late! A Freudian slip... I meant, before it IS too late. I shall take measures to protect me and my family in case retaliation occurs. -SDRoads

Latest Update On "Man In Need Of Bypass Turned Away" Too Difficult To Report

At this time, I have a powerful update, however, it is just too upsetting for me to report. I will, at this time, state that he is still alive, thank God! This story is upsetting to me for it hits way too close to home. My apologies. The newest update came in this day. -SD

Update On Meat Safety

Please see below, our story entitled "To Eat, Or Not To Eat? That Is The Question! Posed By SDRoads" for updates on our present meat safety situation. Please view the update at the bottom of the post, below the original story. I thank you. -SD

J-Doll's NewsFlash! From the story, J-Doll; Another "Legal Abduction".

Stay tuned for transcripts of our exclusive upcoming interview with J-Doll's father. For now, a NewsFlash: As of last night, it has been reported by the father that he "may not be getting her back." Just the other day, he was working hard on this case, and had a bit more than a mere glimmer of hope. He was told by those in the know that he will have to pick up this battle in Mexico. As it stands, J-Doll is still here, in the states. She resided in the state of California for over 6 months, as I'm told. That is supposed to make a difference, I was further told. The mother is allegedly "abusive" according to the father and, J-Doll herself! J-Doll had reported, rather, shared with me, at different times, that the mother had hurt her in the past and that she wished I was her mother. It had put me into a predicament when J would refer to me as "mom". I handled it the best I could. I just didn't have the heart to tell the kid, at those moments, quit callin' me mom. But, my youngest did. It seemed to bother him. He retorted, once in McDonald's over Happy Meals, that, "She's not your mom, she's mine!". Mind you, he had let the first dozen times go. Then, J responded with, "But, I don't have a mom." I liked that she called me that, on one hand, it made me feel treasured. But, for obvious reasons, I was uncomfortable with that and saw the ramifications that could ensue. Both children are around the same age, that of six, and, were, in the same class, before the mother decided to rip J-Doll out of school, not to enroll her again, at this time, as it has been reported to me. More on that later. For now, court is set for the 13th of this month. Ironically, it does not appear to be set in a family court. As much as I try to avoid suggesting someone calls D.C.F.S. (Department of Children and Family Services), due my own realizations that some there run a crooked show, I felt compelled to tell the father to urgently contact them today, on the phone last night. I will keep you all posted of this delicate matter. For now, I leave you all with one thought... two: I am a witness to the fact that J-Doll was treated beyond well by the father. She was a perfect vision of Six Year Old Happiness and Content. -SDRoads