Friday, 19 September 2008

Cheers right back atchya Pat!

I just read your message at Google. Thanxx for the info. But, I had already figured it out on my own. Giggle. Let's toast to this wonderful opportunity we all have here at G Blogger! -SDRoads, Administrator

picture credit from

Hey guys...

I wanted to leave you with one last thing before I go for the weekend. I got all of my lab work done on time, as well as homework, so I am living free and easy this weekend. The weekend is starting now, this Friday afternoon, for even the majority of the college closes early. So, while still at one of the labs at the campus, before heading off to pick up my youngest from elementary school, I wanted to post this. There are so many reasons for this post. But, those will not be shared. Here goes:


Friendship, to me, is understanding and forgiving, no matter what. It is not manipulating, secretive, one sided, nor lonely. Friendship takes two. Sometimes I feel people have done or said something to me that is hurtful. However, I also feel you can only be hurt if you let yourself be. Many times I have spoken up for myself, or, written up. But, there were many many times I did not. I just was forgiving. I forgave and forgot. I didn't mention it, and went on in the friendship like all was good for all was good. This is because I chose not to be hurt, and put it out of my mind, living peacefully with my friends, in heart, mind, body, and soul. But, sometimes the memories can come back when hurt again, especially by the same person, or, by the same nature. It is amazing to me that those who boast about how they have been hurt, or offended, etc., never once take the time to be a friend, a true friend, and say, "This is how I feel. Did you intend for this? Of course, perhaps you did not. What is your side of the story? Have I ever offended or hurt you? If so, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that." That is Lesson 1 in Friendships, Making Them Last. Of course, that is not a class or a book, I just made it up. But, maybe it should be. It is most certainly a lesson in life, no? So, many that know me, or of me, may think that because I have been nice that I do not feel you have ever hurt me. That is not true. Sometimes I am amazed at what some do. I just try to focus on the positive. And that is my heart. -SDRoads
2008 (R)

Have a great weekend!

I hope it is blessed, joyful, restful, and filled with promise for everyone. I look forward to hearing from you all. ...... Oh, and hi Jeff. Wink With Love to all of you, SD and family, along with all the Associates here.

It's a homerun!!!

As for the latest posts of my defense... Hey, what do you expect? I am Italian, Irish, English, and a Scorpio!! Wink

Well, it's Friday. I am glad I got this all out of the way before the weekend so that the site can run smoothly, and peacefully, for it's intended purpose come Monday. And, read on. A lot of the previous postings have been updated. Thank you all for reading. -SDRoads, Administrator Peace Out y'all.

A big thank you to all of the kind and supportive viewers.

You are all most appreciated. This is supposed to be a happy site, the place to sit back and relax and get caught up on just about everything. I mean, we do have a lot of mighty fine links here. I won't let any of the naysayers bring us down! -SDRoads

For the guy who wrote I wouldn't be responding to all of this...

Sir, I think YOU need to get your facts straight! Where would you get that (hideous so-called fact) from??? Hmmm? That's just weird. I have always been the responding type here, and have always been welcoming and warm to the viewers, most obviously so. And it can all be proven thanks to the Auto Save Feature and post and submit options. Strangely, though, the autosave and posting time feature have been malfunctioning the last couple of days. It puts all posts posted at the same time, each day. which, is a physical impossibility, realistically. Hey, I started responding, yet again, the moment after I read that... stuff, those comments. But, that's just what I do. I don't mind differing opinions, but I won't be disrespected, nor will I allow my family or Associates here to be. I embrace differing opinions. I don't mind debate. I think it makes life interesting. Always have. Like John Mark Karr wrote, Disrespect will not be tolerated. -SDRoads

And for the guy who commented to me to "get (my) facts straight"...

In that particular posting you were responding to, sir, I was not the one compiling the facts, nor was I the one writing them. Again, I was just simply sharing an interesting article. No harm, no foul. It's all good. -SDRoads

And for the guy who wrote that I need to figure out what a blog is supposed to be for...

Well... let's just say I am kind of on the money. Here ya go:

dictionary results for: blog
Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English - Cite This Source - Share This Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: n
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.

I use more of this: a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page than this: an online diary. But, it's all good. And, there is nothing wrong with being enterprising and expanding upon something good. Plus, if you were to really look into what this site is really about, and who it is for, you would see that this is used for the general intended purpose. And that is my defense. -SDRoads

SideNote: This site facilitor for B (G, Google) blogger offers so many options, they almost embrace the blogs to be more than the typical idea of blog. They offer for one to even get out of the blog mentality, if you will, here, in the form of allowing users to change a most crucial part of their web address, all the while maintaining the same site. I like for my site to be much more than one dimensional. And there's nothing wrong with that. So, back off, playa haters! LoL I get that from the Pasta Dude.... A most disturbing commercial, actually. -SD

Sometimes, it's all about the rhetoric.

Sometimes, it's all about the rhetoric here, in the occasional form of a commentary. That commentary is not considered "news", as I had been informed of quite the opposite, most recently, nor has it ever been. This site incorporates many facets in the form of segments, etc. Sometimes, here at the site, eye openers will be used in the form of comic relief, as well, particularly political comic relief. Hey, they fxxxxd with us enough, no? The main objective here is to look at the big picture. And as far as that bit of people using me (in the form of near brainwashing?) to get the word out that Obama is a Muslim, well, let's just say, I am a lot stronger than that, and am an independent thinker. Why, I didn't even know that that was going on. There is only so much information a human can take in each day, and that is one thing I had not heard of yet. So, suffice it to say, no one used me. Thanxx for the concern??? I don't think it was concern, but, I digress. Again, all of my commentary comes from hours, sometimes years, of research, investigating, and field work, in the form of interviewing and/or questioning people. Some of my sources must remain anonymous. Just remember big picture, big picture, big picture. I mean, you can't really focus on the smaller and most important issues if you are not taking it all in and looking at the overall picture. For example, you can't really have a true picnic if you don't have the grass and blanket to sit on, nor the basket o' food! I just want to get this out there, and set the record straight. And that is my commentary. Good day! -SDRoads

Rhetorical use of language which is intended to ridicule. Sarcasm is similar to irony, but is more intense and is negative in its impact, whereas irony is not always intended to be negative:
Elijah was sarcastic to the prophets of Baal:

1 Kings 18.27 About noontime Elijah began mocking them. "You'll have to shout louder," he scoffed, "for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or he is relieving himself. Or maybe he is away on a trip, or he is asleep and needs to be wakened!" (NLT)

The intended sarcasm will often not be preserved if the original is translated literally. In such cases the translator may need to include some clues, as the NLT translators have done with the words "mocking" and "scoffed", to indicate that something is meant to be sarcastic."

Catholic Coffee Drinkers
Cor ad cor loquitur. Drinking coffee while talking Augustine, Church Fathers, and Chesterton.July 2, 2008
In Defense of Sarcasm
Posted by M. Jordan Lichens under Blogging, Blogroll, Catholic

Myself and many, many of my friends are often called to task for using sarcasm as a means of argument and response in the blogosphere, typically by someone calling it uncharitable and quit ungodly to use a sarcastic tone in response to some of the modern madness that exists on the internet. I suppose that while charity is required of Catholics, I never once found an instance in the Bible or the writings of the Apostolic Fathers where one was chastised for usuing sarcasm. In face, one reading of God’s conversation with Job, the writings of St. Irenaeus, or the Letter to Diognetus to realize that what we call sarcasm is often used as a powerful rhetorical tool to tear down an opponents argument in order to start the conversation on solid ground.

I myself have been told that my sarcasm demonstrates that I don’t take my opponet seriously. I suppose in the case of sedevacantists and Lefebvrites it may be true that I put little stock in their arguments, but on the whole sarcasm is only a rhetorical tool used to point out the strangeness of some arguments. When my friends used to tell me that Catholics believe that the Pope is above sin when he sits in a special chair (a more common statement than I like to admit) I may either refute the statement with careful argument and polite chatter or respond, “Yes, we in the Catholic Church possess a magical chair that does far more than give the power of perfection.” The latter response is shocking and quite sarcastic, but my interlocutor is able to reflect on how strange a statement he truly made and we may start on solid ground to have a real dialog.

5 dictionary results for: rhetoric Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
rhet·o·ric /ˈrɛtərɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ret-er-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast.
2. the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech.
3. the study of the effective use of language.
4. the ability to use language effectively.
5. the art of prose in general as opposed to verse.
6. the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory.
7. (in classical oratory) the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience.
8. (in older use) a work on rhetoric.

Origin: 1300–50; < L rhétorica < Gk rhétorik (téchné) rhetorical (art); r. ME rethorik < ML réthorica, L rhétorica, as above]

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The Final Draft ~ Hope it helps our student viewers of all types. -SD

And for all of our studious college students...

The Study Guide~ With Benefits

By: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx

From: College Survival
A~Do~It~Yourself Guide
Second Edition, by Elwood N. Chapman, 1981,1974

From: To The Student
Quote: To Begin With~ "Some educators say there has never been a better time to go to college. Because of declining enrollments, every student is wanted. 'Student retention' has become a key phrase on most campuses."

Comment: That was the seventies. This is a new decade. There were so many good things in this book that I wanted to incorporate information from several chapters into this requested study guide.

From: College: Who Needs It?, Chapter 2
Quote: "It seems to me that it is better to be a successful plumber than a Ph.D. without a job." ~ A negative familiar quote, it appears.
Questions: Has inflation put the goal of college and a higher education on the back burner? In reading, I had begun noticing a theme there, and near sadly, that theme revolves around money. By the way, food for thought; Does the educational system need to lower it’s prices? Yes, I wrote prices. Seems to me there is a big difference between "cost" and "price". You can look for the deeper meaning there. But, I digress. I mean, really, this should be a study guide, no?

To sum things up in a HUGE walnut shell; Basically, college can give you, offer, rather, what you need to succeed in every capacity of life. Heck, sometimes they even have Christian groups there! I would write; Know what you want, and go after it. But, instead, I will write; Know what you want, and figure out the best, most resourceful way of going after it.

From Self-Motivation, Chapter 4
Quotes: "As a beginning college student, you will be shocked to learn that you can't expect others to motivate you. A few inspirational professors and considerate advisers will encourage you, but, motivation is a do-it-yourself project." And, along those lines, as Dr. Gold, our Professor, has said, "Set your own goals. No one will tell you you should take certain classes here. Establish your own plan... High School counselors tell you what to take and sign you up for classes. (In) college... we don't tell you what to take." Again, it is all about self motivation now. So, make it work!

Further, "If you are not anxious then something is missing in your motivation or desire.", according to Dr. Gold. So, the first rule to a successful college career is, don't worry about being worried. It is only natural, given what we are facing. Also, a little anxiety can keep you on your toes.

Since the particular book I choose did not focus, specifically, on study tips in my reading thus far (And, I read a good portion of the book, when I wasn't even required to do so.), as I expected it would, I shall just list a few from my own experience.

A. Be realistic here. Realize how much time you need for homework and set that time aside. This is something I discovered long ago, even before it became, what appears to be, a trend to tell students the class time to home work ratio, near vehemently, these days.

B. Find a great work space and do your homework, along with your studying, there regularly.

C. Stay focused. Eat fish a half hour before, as it is said it helps one focus. Hey, it couldn't hurt, eh?

D. Review, Review, Review. Get it into your long term memory as much as you can.



I want to make an announcement that I have the permission to share some of my e-mail content from the sender(s). With respect to my pulling down content from my site yesterday, I had explained to the individual through electronic mail communication that I thought I had the go ahead to share that (In fact, I am most sure of that.), given nothing of a personal or private nature was shared, ie names, e-mail addresses, etc., from previous e-mail correspondence, and that is why I did so. I would simply edit out the private matter. You see, I had posted some of our former correspondences, without incident. I had offered to take the latest posted correspondence down since the individual was upset and uncomfortable with that particular content being posted. I had apologized to said individual. -SDRoads, Administrator

This just in!

Another local Metro accident. A train collided with a bus. Fortunately, there were no fatalities today, like the previous massive accident of late. This is becoming a trend... and an epidemic. -SDRoads

Something I received in my e-mail.

This may be of interest to some of our readers. -SD

--- On Fri, 9/19/08, XXXXXXX wrote:

Date: Friday, September 19, 2008, 2:30 AM

We must stay focused on this information -
November is closer than we think!
John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) said this ----- It should make us all think:
There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January. In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the month of January. That's just one American city, about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq .

When some claim that President Bush shouldn't have started this war, tell them the following:

FDR (DEMOCRAT) led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us; Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost average of 112,500 per year.

Truman (DEMOCRAT) finished that war and started one in Korea. North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost ..
an average of 18,334 per year.

John F. Kennedy (DEMOCRAT) started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us.

Johnson (DEMOCRAT) turned Vietnam into a quagmire when he lied (admitted) about an attack on our Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost average of 5 ,800 per year.

Clinton (DEMOCRAT) went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent. Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

This one is a fact that makes me mad as hell.

In the years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled�al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran, and, North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who�slaughtered 300,000 of his own people. And the Democrats are complaining�about how long the war is taking.
But Wait, There's more.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno (DEMOCRAT) to take the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51-day operation.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.
It took less time to take Iraq than it took�to count the votes in Florida!!!
The biased media spins all this so we fail to realize the true comparison facts.
But Wait ...There's more!
JOHN GLENN (on the Senate floor - January 26, 2004)�

Some people still don't understand why military personnel do what they do for a living. This exchange between Senators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaum is worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive impromptu speech, but it's also a good example of one man's explanation of why men and women in the armed services do what they do for a living.

This IS a typical, though sad, example of what some who have never served think of the military.

Senator Metzenbaum (speaking to Senator Glenn): 'How can you run for Senate when you've never held a real job?'

Senator Glenn (D-Ohio):'I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps. I served through two wars. I flew 149 missions. My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my check book, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank. I ask you to go with me, as I went the other day... to a veteran's hospital and look those men ...with their mangled bodies ... in the eye, and tell THEM they didn't hold a job!
Note: This sounds a lot like John McCain and General Wesley Clark.
Include Barack Obama who has never served in our Military.

You go with me to the Space Program at NASA and go, as I have gone, to the widows and orphans of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee .... and you look those kids in the eye and tell them�that their DAD'S didn't hold a job..


You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch those waving flags. You stand there, and you think about this nation, and you have the gall to tell ME that those people didn't have a job?
What about Metzenbaum? For those who don't remember During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney representing the Communist Party in the USA. - Now he's a Senator ridiculing the military!

If you can read this and compare the facts, thank a teacher.
If you are reading it in English instead of German thank a Veteran.

It might not be a bad idea to keep this circulating. I AM!!!

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Quick Editing by SDRoads