Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Here we go again!

Well, our local news is on. Yet again, the latest is creating more confusion and nervous stomachs, in the economic department. Good going to Californian officials and the media! Your agenda met. I*m not AS worried and concerned after I researched and interviewed some individuals in the know. As I mentioned below, I will be submitting my report. As one woman just said, this can affect EVERYONE in California. Ship out, or stick by my state, my land I reside in, and weather the storm? Is it a question of patriotism? *SDRoads, who-can*t-seem-to-stop reporting


Please realize, that for continuity in reading these posts, one must read them in reverse order, if you will. Notice that the latest post is first, while the post that leads up to that post is just beneath it. This happens over and over again. It is the design of the blogging company, a feature I can not change, unlike other things, such as with set templates... I can tweak those. hehehe ; ) Happy reading, and thanxx for visiting my site. -SDRoads

Oh, yeah...

And I decided to run for VP after all. F*&k the impending doom, (excuse my non-language) I am going to act as if, and do what I want anyway. For, if things turn around for the good, I WILL be able to run and fulfill that position! : ) -SD

Oohhh, I'm just itchin' to report the latest news!

But I won't. I am still upset. Hey! I'm an amateur reporter, I can get away with that. LoL ; ) But, the latest news IS good. I have been doing a lot of researching and interviewing lately. Man, the people are confused for there are sooo many different stories out there pertaining to what is happening to California and its inhabitants. I, as I just wrote, am still very upset, along with shocked just a bit and a pinch, for nothing truly surprises me anymore these days. So, I still want to be off air, so to speak, for a bit longer. I really won't fully know what is to become of me and my family until July 1st, of this year. That fact really sucks, excuse my language, for to think of all of the hard work I have been doing: all the weeks over working over 40 hours per week, not so easily, mind you, and this is the thanxx I get! But, hark! Good news awaits. I have done soooo much research and interviewing over the last few days, along with doing some what-seems-to-be spontaneous crying, and I stress seems-to-be, that I believe I have been able to unravel some of the mystery and strife California has been facing as of late. I will be submitting my report here... though I am off air. ; ) -SD I ain't gonna give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!