Sunday, 19 October 2008

Palin A Hit On SNL!

Watch Saturday Night Live. *SD

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Forget the stereotypes!

Many in Southern California are just one set back away from becomming homeless, according to research done by members of the Fox Network (Channel 11). *SDRoads

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Drug Deals? Extortion?

Cole Puffinburger is finally home again! Allehluia! Cole*s grandpa has been arrested. *SDRoads

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State of Affairs

Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in the State of California. Step up to the plate. It matters. *SDRoads, reporting

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4:27 in the morning and still waiting to be seen.

I was lucky to get this sheet. 3 ahead of me. ... *S...

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2 O`Clock And All Is Not Well

Well, guys, itz 10 past 2 in the morning and I*m sittin in the hospital, again. Which, by the way, really sucks, for a host of reasons. One of which, I had some really great stories for you all, and hadn*t had a chance to post them, like the one about Obama and McCain makin nice. Twas real heartwarmin. I had been sick since Monday, so, I am, once again, backlogged with stories, commentaries, and blurbs (What else is new, eh? LoL). By the time u get em they will b old hat. But, they still will be good. Besides, there are four purposes to this site, so, itz okay if stories are late on 3 counts. Well, no tellin when I*ll be better. But, I promise to get back with y*all just as soon as I kin. It*s a joy writing for you all here. Plus, I*ll never forget the nice things Taliesin wrote about me, here, `bout my always tryin to get the news out to you all, about, oh, I*d say 250 posts down, give or take. That was nice. I think she said I work hard. That meant a
lot. So I*ll get back on it a.s.a.p. A big thank you to all whom helped me, along with my son, with tonight*s emergency. It was, and is, so appreciated. It was an expression of kindness unsurpassed. You know who you are. You all worked together like God*s heavenly angels for me and my child. I could never thank you all enough. Well, it*s past 2:30 now, and I*m still at the E.R. a tryin to get fixed. I hope it*s better on your end. Y*all here a visitin this site have a good morning now, ya hear. *Should be sleeping but it*s too cold here SDRoads

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