Friday, 20 November 2009

Growing Old Gracefully

You know you are getting old when you ask your youngest child, "What do you wanna watch on t.v?", and the response is, "How about the news?" LoL LoL He then informs me that sports might be on. :) *SD

This just in!

NEWSFLASH Miley Cyrus is safe. But her tour bus flipped over and the driver killed. She was not on the bus. *SDRoads, reporting

Miley in red and white dress photo from
Miley in red dress photo from
photo of the actual tour bus crash from

New Adventures

I am about to embark upon a new adventure. It is the adventure of turning another year older; the adventure of turning the big 4 0. I will embrace every moment of my 40th year on this earth with tenderness and care... and love. Thank you God, for my life!!!! -SDRoads

I am now, officially, a twit!!!!

LoL I just joined twitter! I am tryin' to get my first message out, to Marie Osmond. Let's see if it goes through. ;) I am on there as TherealSDRoads. And, thanxx for stopping by my web log site today. I am really proud of this site. I haven't worked much on my other one, mycryptrogram2, though. Will do someday. Have a great day!!!!!!!!! -SD

It is my Birthday Eve!!!!!!!

Very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -SD