Thursday, 2 October 2008

Extra Credit

She just got a laugh at an attempt at a joke (a successful attempt. Wink). They like her. ... Oh! She just did it again. They both had. And according to the hostess, we "are all getting extra credit" tonight. Palin is for the people, ALL the people. And Biden does try to be understanding. He almost got chocked up. He is successfully understanding. May the best "man", human, win. I am so grateful that... Ooopps! It slipped my mind as my sweet Shanathan makes a paper ghost out of tissues in preparation for Halloween. And a big shout out to God the father for making this all possible for me to report and lay down commentary tonight. Thanxx God. He knows what I mean. Up next, My Thoughts On The Class System. To sum up things here in the sentimemt department, I am most sure both Presidential hopefulls are very proud of their running mates. See ya next week, y*all. Have a good night now, ya hear? *SDRoads, out

Full of Heart

Biden is good, really good. The reason I like Palin so much this day is because of moments like the following: Teary eyed, she stated she*s happy they both love Isreal, her and Senator Biden. She*s a very well rounded individual. *SD

Just Wonderin Myself

I wonder who John Ramsey will be voting for... I also wonder who JMK is rooting for, for that matter. *SDRoads

The Coin Toss

Well, it*s here. Loved the way the two opponents greeted each other. This will be the most watched debate, partly because a majority says Palin*s recent interviews were not strong enough. Well, she*s sharp tonight, I tell you what. Some of her words are pure gold. And did you hear what she said about "fear in parent*s voices"? I feel she will really look after us ALL, and help to guide this country in the right direction. McCain must be proud. As for Biden, his opponent or himself, which is his biggest trouble? That asked by some. This is a bit hard. To be completely open with y*all, I like them all, all 4 of the headhonchos. Another tough thing is the time the debates come on round these parts. I mean, for the most part, this is a working America, full of the hum of running businesses and hard working families and individuals, working hard on the necessary tasks set before them. I mean, who has time to watch T.V. at 6 o`clock? Oh well, I
guess that*s what modern technology is for., mechanisms that record. Go figure. Anyway, the debate that*s going on right now was worth changing my schedule. I*m doin* 3 things at once right now: Watching the debate, reporting on it, and helping my youngest with his homework. Keep multi~tasking America! *SDRoads


Hey guys, don*t forget to watch the Vice Presidential Debate, 6 p.m., P.S.T. I am restructuring my schedule right now to fit it in. It*s important. *SDRoads

Have a great weekend everyone.

More than likely, hopefully, rather, my weekend is starting tomorrow. I shall see tonight when I make my schedule. I won't be working on this site for a few days, if my schedule permits it. If I don't, I will miss it, but, I also want a long weekend to myself for me and my family. I hope you all stay safe... and warm. It seems as though winter wants to start early. Brrrr. -SDRoads, Administrator

Well, was she?

You decide. -SD &

Life and Death


Photo sources:,,, thesdfiles,,,,,,

The V.P. Debate

Today at 6.p.m., P.S.T. -SD