Saturday, 6 November 2010

MORE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY EXPOSED -SD FW: Your Yahoo! account information has changed



This is an Ofiicial alert to inform Yahoo! account users. 

We regret to announce to you that with the rate at which we have newly registered members everyday, our data base is getting congested and now we have decided to under go deactivation of all unused account and some other of our account we find error on for both premium and free accounts.

Every account owner that receives this message has encountered this error and will have to update his/her account with the requested information below.
Please be sure to click the REPLY button first before attempting to fill the info.

Current Pass word:-
Date of Sign up(Optional):-

After you must have filled this information and have it sent back to us, your Yahoo! account will not be interrupted/terminated and will continue as normal.

WARNING: Account owner that receives this message and refuses to update his/her account within the next 48Hours will be terminated from the Administrator's dept.

Thank you for your usual co-operation. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Yahoo! Account Services
