Friday, 20 February 2009

Unlock the mysteries of the DollHouse at

See ya there. *SD

Oh. My bad.

That*s *Me

DollHouse is on.

YES! Hey, during the hiatus here, check out the news and more at *SD

Oh yeah, the Hiatus is officially started!

I will tell you about the weather story later. Out of time now. It is an interesting little blurb about the clouds and winds we had locally, the other day. -SD

Here is the announcement early, regarding our Reading Club.

Welcome to our new Book Club. Any one wanting to join in, the deadline is Friday, February 27th, at 2 p.m. PST. Please contact me at to sign up, if interested. The Book Club will contain perks and surprises. Our first book will be The Second Brain~ The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct, by Michael D. Gershon, M.D. I have flipped through it, and found this book to be insightful, interesting, helpful, and amazing on so many different levels. I can't wait to read it. It is our chosen book for the month of March. At the end of March, there will be a get-to-gether for all the locals whom have joined the club, at a Starbucks. Join us for coffee and frank discussion. Share your thoughts and ideas. Announcements on the date and time for the get-to-gether will be made at a later date. I'm looking forward to it. Be with you all, here, later. Gotta jett. -SD

Photo of the book from
Photo of the doctor/author from

Uuugghh! I have to leave now.

I have to go grocery shopping. It's been fun visiting with you all here. Oh well, grocery shopping is fun, too. I mean, it is SHOPPING! LoL -SD

Photo of SD from the SDR files

O.k. It is about to be officially launched...

our Reading club. Be sure to sign up early, to not miss out on any of the fun. Contact me at, if interested. -SD

Good day everyone!

The book club will be officially starting any moment now. -SD