Monday, 12 December 2011

Some church members, a nice young couple

Some church members, a nice young couple, just brought us over some Christmas cookies and treats. Aww I told Shane to smile a little bigger for the picture. HE ENDED UP LOOKING LIKE A WOLF ABOUT TO POUNCE ON THE COOKIES! LoLoLoL -SD

Shane and Shan around 2008. :)

Shane and Shan around 2008. :)

Shane coloring in his Christmas time boo

Shane coloring in his Christmas time book.

Shane & Shan around 2008. POSTED BY SD R

Shane & Shan around 2008. POSTED BY SD ROADS (Shan)

Shane coloring in his Christmastime fun

Shane coloring in his Christmastime fun pad. Dec.12th, 2011. Reminds me of when I was a kid. :D And his hair is growing out waving n curling and that reminds me of his dad when he was in his twenties. I saw pics. ;) -Shan