Thursday, 27 May 2010

To Pay Respect

R.I.P. Art Linkletter. You were a solid and good man. Love, The Roads Family.

A Nice Day!!! - Family News

Today is a graduation day for me for a certificate I have earned. It's a picture week. Pictures to come here, soon. Some are already up at me facebook account. Tomorrow is a furlough day. 4 day weekend! Can't say enough about Memorial Day. Good times! And no breathing problem for me today, AND I went for a run. Right on! I just got to work in the kitchen of this elementary school. Guest appearance, you know. ha ha I felt just like that British guy on the tele who serves up healthy foods for the kids. LoL I am even in gear! Got me leatha jacket on. Punked out. The Brit in me has got a' English theme goin' on for servin' up sausage rolls for the graduation party. ... Par' eh in Brit. ;) -Me