Tuesday, 1 July 2008


Yes, we come with instructions. Haha

Read all 15 posts for today in reverse order. -SD

2 and counting

Well, I only have a couple of minutes left. Have a great day, y'all. -SDRoads

He can't believe... he is going through with it???

at that point -SD

Photo credits/sources:
www.timesonline.co.uk and caveviews.blogs.com

Double Vision

meaning ???????????????

... A Very Involved Series Of Events

It's a very involved series of events
"It's it's it's a very involved, a, a series of events.", Mr. John Mark Karr

This is key. -SD

Reversals on suspect, John Mark Karr


I am about to listen for the first time. I just found this today. -SD

You know, the De... devil likes to speak backwards

He likes to do everything the opposite of God. -SD

Download mp3 file


JonBenet Knows Evil~Love



My cousin Camille died at the age of 8, back east, in Massachusetts. I miss her. She was my best friend. I was 9 at the time. I have an amazing story to tell of something that happened after she died... a couple, actually. I will share them here some day. She reminds me of Stevie Nicks. She looked quite a bit like her. ... This is for you, Camille! I love ya!! -SXXXXXX


and, for the remix, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXAFbkNVB1E

Photo source:

A very inspirational song...

by Jordan Sparks. I was so moved when I first heard it, and saw her singing it. -SD


Photo by Chatta/SDRoads

I just watched the first video. It's interesting to see the lyrics. Now, I really know what the song is about. Sing along y'all. Wink -SD

The post below...

reminds me of a shot I had taken and sent to the fc. I wonder if it is still there. I will search it out and post it here, if I can find it. See, the fc had lost some of my shots, and it just so happens that out of all the backup disks I had, the one that no longer works is (more than likely) the one that the photo is on. I lost a few. I lost the one of me doing the Farah Fawcette pose, as well as the one of me that was turned into the image of JonBenet Ramsey at the age of around 16 (Sweet Sixteen) ... what she would have looked like. Luckilly, I have the "paintings" (They are really chalks.) of it, by the original artist. One day, I will post a picture of them here. And, recently, and my memory was refreshed today, I found something funny at the fc, within my profile. It was the following:

what's new

68 new photos in the last 1 week
0 new comments in the last 38 years
30 new messages in the last 1 month
27 new invites in the last 2 months

LoL Yeah right, No new comments in the last 38 years!!! That's my age. LoL Well, off to search... -SD


Found it!!! I entitled this shot The Answer's Within One Of These Doors. -SD

Interesting... Yet again...

a way is found. (It wasn't THAT hard. LoL) I tried to get the video "Bleeding Love", by Leona Lewis, for you all on here, and this is what I got: This video is not available in your country. I didn't give up. I knew it had to be out there. I even thought my friend was viewing it earlier. (Turns out, she was watching a video about domestic violence. Was it from a song? I'll do some searching and find out.) That's her favorite song. I had to ask her in class what the name of that was, in order to get the Chelsie video yesterday. Anyway, here is The Official US Music Video (Sounds so classified, doesn't it? LoL) of "Bleeding Love". -SD


Photo from www.torrentportal.com

A sad shot I found at the fc.

But, what is so striking, is how the man standing is smiling... still, after all of that torture and suffering he endured. -SD

... After a second look, it is more his eyes are smiling. It's as though the person who had taken the picture told the men the he or she would go and get help, as well as documenting the moment, along with this piece of history. The version I saw was larger and closer. The man standing did have somewhat of a smile. -SD

A few nicer pics...

But the wings are questionable. Makes me wonder how they were obtained. -SD

Shaneboy and Milos

Our Kindergarten Graduates 2008