Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Man In Need Of Life-Saving Heart Surgery Turned Away!

This just in! Until this point, the last words to his closest loved one was, "This is the fourth time, BabyGirl." He said this choking back sobs. Apparently, today is the fourth attempt the gentleman is making to stay alive... not just for himself, but for his beloved family, also. He, at one point, was given a date for the surgery. Things got rough. He tried to be seen earlier. All his knuckles turned purple, along with his lips, among other things that happened to his body. He was given the service of having his vitals taken, then, sent home! "Come back on your scheduled date.", he was told. He did. He painstakingly waited for that appointed time for the much needed bypass of a major artery affecting the heart and then, onto the lung. WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? HE WAS SENT HOME AGAIN!!!! He's trying to be seen again, things are worse. He feels lack of health insurance is the problem, though, he makes good money. Like he says, "This is the fourth time...", maybe, just maybe, the FOURTH time will be the charm... unlike the third! Please pray for this unknown man, for, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank you. I will keep on top of this and, I shall keep you all updated. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! And that is my commentary. -SDRoads

S.W.A.T. Officer Veenstra's Recovery Update.

Good morning, y'all. This is the latest news I could find. And let me tell ya, over the course of a few days... more like a couple a' weeks, this was no easy task. Thanxx for stopping by. -SD

AV Press: Local Dentist rebuilds jaw of LAPD SWAT Officer
He said Veenstra's left lower jaw essentially acted like a helmet, as nature intended ... He estimated that the officer's recovery will take about 1½ years. ...