Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Hey, I don't worship anyone but the Lord!

And that Lord is the Almighty creator, God. -SD

Member since 6-28-07
02-03-08, 09:54 PM (EST)

16. "RE: Public Notice"
In response to message #15

Still, the worship that goes on there - - it makes me wonder just how many posters have, indeed, taken the leap into the crazy pool.
It's nauseating. John probably thinks I hate him, but I don't. I'm just repulsed by everything he and Brooke stand for, say, and believe. To this day they cannot seem to understand why a church group asked that John not attend. I guess that makes them intolerant haters instead of wise and discerning Christians.

To put it in the words of one wise woman I know, 'Aren't Christians supposed to be forgiving?' And, they, the Naysayers, confuse idolization with admiration! -SD

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