Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Further Shenanigans

Member since 1-18-08
01-27-08, 05:45 PM (EST)

4. "RE: Public Notice"
In response to message #3

LAST EDITED ON 01-27-08 AT 05:48 PM (EST)

Since the perv has no Integrity, I doubt he really removed your name. How can you verify this?
Sorry this happened to you, OEJ. You are way too good of a person to have anything to do with this evil child predator.

It doesn't pay to try and relate, or, be nice to a psychopath. Is anyone going to stop his website? What exactly is going on there? I wouldn't dare even bother to type his name to find out.
(Derived from jameson's Webbslueths)
Well then, "Ashley", if you don't know what is going on over there, then, how can you judge and comment such ways? I also find it extremely suspect that the average joeblow can't register at Jameson's to respond to these types of posts. THAT is sick and wrong, if it is in fact true. People like Ashley dish it out but can't take it. I have found the conversation to be much more stimulating and fair over at JMK's site. Such is not the case at other sites, most apparently. She states she "wouldn't dare" find out, yet, she holds (has stolen) the title of Commissioner. Interesting. -SD

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