Friday, 29 February 2008

The Smell Of Death

As I mentioned before, two things occurred while on my way to college today. The second was something that slowed me down for a moment. Now that I think of it, there was also the issue of the leaning tree of death. Therefore there were three things that were most touching and telling. The other occurrance was so striking. It most definately left an impression on me... one that shall remain with me forever. There is a display. I believe it is sponsored by the institution/group called M.A.D.D. That acronym stands for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The display consists of a car that had been involved in a collision, along with a big sign that says Don't Drink and Drive. When I first noticed the display, my thought was, This may be where someone has died. As I approached the vehicle, my impression was that the odds are that someone did die in this wreckage. As I slowly neared the vehicle, I almost became arrested. The smell of death eminated out of the wreck with such a strong force, it took me back. My next thought was, due the fact that the interior of the car is exposed because of how it was destroyed in the crash, that may be the smell of mold. I apprehensively looked on into the interior of the fateful wreck. After a moment, I noticed a blue latex glove, turned inside out, as they become after being removed from the hand of the one wearing it. I thought, This must have been an emt's glove, taken off at the scene and mistakingly left behind. I continued to investigate the remains of that horrid event. I then noticed it... a bag that looked similar to a bag one would find at a hospital for personal belongings, only smaller. I saw there were more items indicating someone had been hurt, such as another glove. You see, since the car had been struck on the driver's side, and the biggest impact of the the wreckage held there, though, the destruction spilled even across the entire length of the windshield, I originally thought that this car had been parked somewhere and was unfortunately struck by a blow of alcoholism. When I laid eyes upon that bag... with those words on it... I knew something different. PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!! -SD

Originally posted at another web site on a forum as a seperate topic.

Local Miracle Discovered In A Hit And Run

Be on the look-out for an upcoming story of a gentleman whom may have just had himself a miracle, y'all. He, not too long ago, had been in an auto accident, and, it was such that he nearly could have died! He made it through. As his wife, a MSW that works at my college, was telling the story, within the walls of our campus' Resource Center, I immediately realized that her husband may have been saved by some supernatural force. She still can't get over the fact that it was found, through an investigation of the scene, that the airbags did not deploy. However, that may just be the thing that saved him. I saw evidence of the wreckage that she eagerly pulled out of her purse to show me. Those pictures shall be posted, here, in the future. When I saw the damage, I realized that, he may have needed those airbags not to deploy so that he could be ejected from the car. After looking at the pictures, I felt that, he may not have made it. I asked her about that possibility, and she said yes, that's what authorities had told her. Yet, she still feels the bags should have deployed. Of course, she does not mean to imply that she wished her husband was not ejected and felt the full impact, no, not at all. As it stands, he nearly lost his arm. There will be much more to come of this story, here, on this site. I asked the lady if it is alright if I report her story. After taking about 2 seconds to think about it, she said yes, that it may just help us find out who the culprit was, is, in this hit and run. -SD

Soon To Come!!!

An article I shall create entitled, "Local Prostitute Offered More Than Money". Be on the look-out for this heartwarming story. Thanxx, y'all. -SD

Another Jillian Sighting!!!

Yes, my sweet, you were spotted by me, your mother, once again, at my college, the other day. This time, my dear sweet little girl, I was so bold as to ask for the time from the woman you were with... not the "wicked ^^^^^^ mother", this time, thank goodness! ... Or, I may have been thrown into another panick attack. You were so lovely, a perfect vision of childlike innocence and beauty. You always have a skip in your step, a dance-like wiggle in your walk, and a song in your heart. You are my hero... heroine! I love you, Baby Girl!!! The woman called you "baby girl" as you were about to leave the campus. Ironically, we were both leaving at exactly the same time. I wonder what other parallels we hold. I want you to know, for when you read this one day, that your father and I first gave you that nickname, along with "JillieGirl". I created a book, entitled, JillieGirl, Out and About! It is from the JillieGirl series. Oh, you are so loved and treasured. Your youngest brother often says he loves you and needs you. I would have put this in as a comment in our family news post. However, I felt this warranted it's own post! You are a true Queen. When you were a baby, and I would push you in your stroller, particularly one day, I thought of you as my Queen, not "Princess" as most little girls are refered to. I am glad you did not recognize me, for that may have caused problems. By the grace of God, you never seem to look up at the times you pass by me in the halls of that campus. As it stands, you may not so easilly recognize me these days for it has been about four years since you and I have spent time with oneanother, and you are only 7. You shall be eight very soon. Happy Birthday in advance! (For, by the time you read this, Happy Belated Birthday, Sweet Love!) I am lucky to have seen you. I feel privileged to have seen you those so few times of late! I need you, too. Love, always, Your Mom -SD

Update On Man In Need Of Bypass

I fall nearly wordless, now. But, I shall muddle through this one. As it states in the post immediately below, the gentleman, once again, did not receive that bypass. And he was scheduled for it, with yet another "appointment", and everything! Again, such an outrage!!! Something I found important is something that came from him. I quickly wrote it down on any old piece of scratch paper I could find. I often write down his words. He is a man of wisdom, probably so much more than he could ever imagine. If only he could always utilize his God given wisdom in the most appropriate and constructive of manners, and, at all times, he could get even farther in life. He could get so far, that, one day, he could be in a position to help others. I just pray that he has a life, a long life left to live, and does not die at the hands of neglect from the Medical INDUSTRY!!! Anyway, these were those words:
This is happening "because I need to see a certain doctor and they just backshafted me to next week." I say, they just now realized he needs to see a certain doctor!??! -SD

Matters Of The Heart

This just in! SDRoads hurt by a loved one, whom, it turns out, was not a loved one at all! I guess love is supposed to be a two-way street, at least, the healthy kind of love. But what do you do when someone whom you cared for, a family member, doesn't feel the same way, and, you found out, with most assurity, years later?! I found out yesterday, at exactly 4:28 p.m., West Coast time! It was within a text from someone refering to another family member. Oh, I had my suspicions, and all, throughout the years, but, always just let it go and turned the other cheek. I feel a compulsion to say that this did make me softly cry and carry a frown, the perpetual, nearly child-like "sad face" on my way home. What I can't understand is, why this person would choose this time to state these things. Another loved one, both a family member to us, went to the hospital, yet again, for a much needed bypass, which, I might add, he did not receive! (See above story for the updates to that news entry.) It also came at a most difficult time for me, as well, given what I had just previously physically and emotionally endured at that timeframe, not long, not long at all, before that hurtful text came in on the line. On my bathroom break from school (Sorry to be so informal, and nearly graphic, there.) , I noticed a book in the hall showcase. It is entitled, Eight Habits of the Heart : Embracing the Values that Build Strong Families and Communities , by Clifton L. Taulbert. I guess I was "stopping to smell the roses", as they say, as I stepped down that hallway. I am quite sure it is a lovely and heartfelt book. Though, I can not recommend it for I have not read it yet, I just thought it would be an appropriate mention in this post. Posed by SDRoads

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

To Eat, Or Not To Eat, That Is The Question! Posed by SDRoads

This just in! From Yuma, Arizona, and Community Correspondent; Adjusted by SDRoads:

Local Consumers Keep Eating Meat
Feb 19, 2008 09:42 PM PST
Feb 19, 2008 09:42 PM PST
In the wake of the largest beef recall in U.S. history, consumers are expected to keep eating beef.
Not even the horrific images caught by the humane society are keeping consumers from ordering meat at local restaurants.
Inez Gutierrez, owner of a local restaurant says, costumers keep ordering beef fajitas without hesitation. "Yes every day, all day, customers order carne asada tacos, burritos, fajitas it hasn't stopped. I don't see any difference in our business since the beef recall".
We contacted other restaurants in the city of Yuma and they all agreed, no decrease in meat orders.
So far no illnesses have been linked to the beef and consumers have endured other food scares but it is still good to be cautious.
Caroline Smith Dewaal spokes woman for the the Center for Science in Public Interest says it's critically important that consumers ask the retailers if ground beef they have is part of the recall.
Meantime, economist compare the beef recall with the mad cow disease incident in 2003, where beef exports dropped but domestic demand was the same.

UPDATE: As of 03/05/2008:

This morning, as I got ready for the day, I heard the story on my local news show, that meat was being banned and confiscated. I further heard that it was to be buried in a land fill??? I ran a search on the net to get abreast of the situation, and, as of this point, came up with the following out of Oregon: Congress has banned certain meat for consumption.

Update by SDRoads

John Ramsey, JonBenet, And The Woman I Was Once Mistaken For, Beth Twitty.

A news source informed me today that the "mysterious relationship" between JonBenet's father, Mr. John Ramsey, and mother to deceased Natalee Holloway was no longer such a mystery since way back in October of 2007. At that time frame, an article came out in a magazine expressing the right to free speech in sharing Beth Twitty's usage of her right to free speech through her expressions from the heart of feelings she has towards one Mr. John Ramsey. The wording used by Ms. Twitty was rather lovely, and heartfelt. I noticed something, though. All I saw of John Ramsey, within that article, in particular, was a rather sparkling picture of his face, yet, no expressions of the heart from him towards Ms. Twitty. (She had mentioned something about his sparkling eyes.) Oh, I am not denying that he may have wonderful feelings for this woman, I just found it a bit odd that it seemed to be a one-way street. If anyone, anyone at all, has any information to share with the feelings that John Ramsey may hold for the wonderfully strong and lovely Ms. Twitty, please inform our Camp, here in the comments section within this post. It would be a shame if there is some more information out there of things being a two-way street for this "couple", and it wasn't as readily shared with the public at large, or, as quickly. As for the accidental mistaken identity one gentleman had between me and Ms. Twitty, I am really not sure what happened there. All I can say is that, and this is directed to that gentleman, the one whom e-mailed me with possible leads to help solve the case of Natalee Holloway's disappearance and death, please, please, e-mail me again! Or, I shall be forced to forward the e-mail to those that need to know, such as John Ramsey's attorney, as a way to get to Ms. Twitty, and, quite possibly, the police. Please keep in mind I am not stating that with one hundred percent assurity you, sir, have information so desperately needed by authorities. However, I am saying, it seems you may. I had asked you if it's o.k. to forward your e-mail along to those whom may help a rather long while ago, with, still, no word back from you. Please, if you're reading this, consider contacting me a.s.a.p. I thank you.
Sincerely, SDRoads ... And that is my Commentary for this day... along with my plea!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Man In Need Of Life-Saving Heart Surgery Turned Away!

This just in! Until this point, the last words to his closest loved one was, "This is the fourth time, BabyGirl." He said this choking back sobs. Apparently, today is the fourth attempt the gentleman is making to stay alive... not just for himself, but for his beloved family, also. He, at one point, was given a date for the surgery. Things got rough. He tried to be seen earlier. All his knuckles turned purple, along with his lips, among other things that happened to his body. He was given the service of having his vitals taken, then, sent home! "Come back on your scheduled date.", he was told. He did. He painstakingly waited for that appointed time for the much needed bypass of a major artery affecting the heart and then, onto the lung. WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? HE WAS SENT HOME AGAIN!!!! He's trying to be seen again, things are worse. He feels lack of health insurance is the problem, though, he makes good money. Like he says, "This is the fourth time...", maybe, just maybe, the FOURTH time will be the charm... unlike the third! Please pray for this unknown man, for, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank you. I will keep on top of this and, I shall keep you all updated. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! And that is my commentary. -SDRoads

S.W.A.T. Officer Veenstra's Recovery Update.

Good morning, y'all. This is the latest news I could find. And let me tell ya, over the course of a few days... more like a couple a' weeks, this was no easy task. Thanxx for stopping by. -SD

AV Press: Local Dentist rebuilds jaw of LAPD SWAT Officer
He said Veenstra's left lower jaw essentially acted like a helmet, as nature intended ... He estimated that the officer's recovery will take about 1½ years. ...

Monday, 25 February 2008

O.k. ... One more "story" for the day, extracted. I'm too tired to write my own today. -SD

For Officers Veentsra and Simmons, With Love, SDRoads

Trust Funds Established for Police Officer III+1 Randal Simmons and Police Officer III+1 James Veenstra
Los Angeles: Due to overwhelming support for LAPD Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team Officers Randal Simmons and James Veenstra, trust funds have been established in both their names through the Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union (LAPFC).
To make a donation, please go to: and click on the red square titled “LAPFCU Community Corner.” Donations may also be received by mail:
Blue Ribbon Trust Fund/ Officer Randal Simmons
Acct. 2030077-product code S4.12
16150 Sherman Way
Van Nuys, CA 91410
(877) 695-2732
Blue Ribbon Trust Fund/ Officer James Veenstra
Acct. 2030077-product code S4.13
16150 Sherman Way
Van Nuys, CA 91410
(877) 695-2732
Contributions in their honor may also be made to:
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation (213) 847-4239
Los Angeles Police Foundation (213) 489-4636
For additional information, please call LAPD Media Relations Section at (213) 485-3586.

Extracted from:

Dear Officer Veenstra, I am searching for answers to your emergency medical procedures and the progress thereof. Not an easy thing to do. Meanwhile, I hope, and pray for the best. With Sincerity, SDRoads

Dear Officer Simmons, may you be resting in peace! You' ve earned that right. Sincerely, SDRoads

Ode To A Great Lady!

This was written to me at a forum, with respect to The Memphis Three. It was written to me by a woman whom does not even know that she helped launch the entity "SDRoads". Sure, I am, and was, SDRoads, but, she helped "SD" come to life on screen... computer screen that is... not the Small Screen , or the Big Screen, or the "Gem Screen", for that matter. LoL She helped it come to life with merely nothing more than a personalized and warm welcome to the site she's a moderator at. And, I birthed it... and nurtured it. Thanxx "BB". Here we go:

"This case is another that intrigues me, SD. Confessions, law enforcement blunders, claims of innocence, new evidence. This is yet another cry against the death penalty. Here is a link to a site that may interest you: " (By, "BB")

From, SDRoads

P.S. And another great lady from that forum is 'n'... And another great man is 'g'... a.k.a. some license plate number, LoL, and his wife, another 'n', a.k.a. "my 'n'".... You are all really great people, along with JMK and 'B'... You know who you are. Bless you all. Love, SD

Oh, and by the way, BB, I have heard of this project before and dreamed of incorporating it into my and my JillianJon's case. In the interim , I had had been given information by my ex-attorney of another group that helps, ... along with a glimmer of hope. It 's called The Consortium. FAMILIES UNITE!!! -SD

Howdy Y'all!

I am not feeling at all well today. I just got back to class /lab from the school nurse a lil while ago. I won't be posting news stories this day. I look forward to getting back on that soon, along with updating my site's Amber Alerts. I hope this day finds you all well and safe. Thanxx for stopping by. Sincerely, SDRoads, Administrator
P.S. Hi Jillian. One day, you'll read this. ; ), : ). Love, Mom

Saturday, 23 February 2008

The Memphis Three

Please, let's all pray for The Memphis Three, and support these innocents. I thank you. -SDRoads, Administrator

Friday, 22 February 2008

For Officer Veenstra

Hi. I just had surgery on my jaw yesterday. My problem is not nearly as bad as yours, Officer Veenstra, but, I feel somewhat like you must feel. Though, I can only imagine. You are brave and strong as well as good spirited. Your wife is a lucky woman, along with all of your family members and friends, to have you in their lives. Thanxx again for all of your courage in this world. Our prayers go out to you, for a speedy recovery. I am glad you are alive. Sincerely, SDRoads, from The Roads' Family News Center.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Soon To Come!

A newly developed concept I am devising, in colaboration with Rodney, the Artist: ART HEAVEN. A simple showcasing here, of his work in the form of a few samples of key pieces of his artistry, will be available for vieweing. Along with that, I will submit a link on my site to his Complete Showcase, A Tribute To The Deep Detailing and Dedication of Rodney's Artwork, called ART HEAVEN. It will include the biography of this beloved artist, as written by me, as I have been priviledged to come to know and work with, along with the story behind many of his creations. All you Marilyn Monroe Fans, come out! All you fans of the Fifties and of a better time and place, along with fans of all the old movie stars, that have not yet faded, come join us. Their light still shines, and shines brightly! -SD, Administrator

Information Sent Over To Our Camp

Thanxx again, SD, Administrator
The Roads' Family News Center

WorldJOURNIER said...
The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Places, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects . . . .
February 20, 2008 8:31 AM

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

More On Van der Sloot, And The Similarities And/Or Disimilarities To John Mark Karr

See original story in the next post, immediately below. -SD

Van der Sloot, Nancy Grace, and John Mark Karr

From, Scared Monkeys:
Joran Van der Sloot/Peter R. De Vries Tapes: Why Some Pundits in the Natalee Holloway Case Should be Seen and Not Heard
Spare us the spin that Joran Van der Sloot made a “false confession”. Joran’s attorney Joe Tacopina floated that concept early after the Peter De Vries tapes were released and it was shot down immediately. Tacopina referenced the concept that “false confession” exists and then in the next breathe said, but not in this case. However, it would appear that his fellow partners in crime, defense attorney, have followed his lead.
Here is a helpful hint to pundits who discuss the Natalee Holloway case … know the topic that you are pretending to be an expert on. This message especially goes on to Defense attorney Ann Bremner from the Nancy Grace show.
There is nothing more pathetic than to hear an attorney on a cable show pretend to know what they are talking about just because they are an attorney. There is also nothing more hideous than defense attorney forwarding an agenda of one of their own. The comments seem to be even worse when one listens to a defense attorney ramble with some on the most ridiculous excuses for suspects. In this case its using the theory of “false confession”.
How could anyone compare two cases that were more different in how the suspects handled themselves with regards to confessing to a crime?
(Go to minute 5:25 to hear the comments in question)
GRACE: OK. Out to the lawyers, Randi Karmel, Richard Herman, Ann Bremner.
Ann Bremner, you`ve got a guy that says I hope you don`t find her body because my semen will be in, on, and about the body. You`ve got him describing her underwear and he`s accurate according to her mother. This is not just caressing on the beach. Now he says she died of a convulsion and he disposed of her body?
ANN BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, either this is another iteration of statements he`s given before, which there have been scores of different statements, or in terms of the confession and proving this case, remember John Mark Carr. I killed JonBenet, coming home with the shrimp and a champagne. And, in fact, he didn`t. They tried every which way to show that he did it, but in this case, there is corpus delecti, no evidence.
GRACE: But the big difference - Ann, Ann, I appreciate that. Thank you.
GRACE: Randi Karmel, the difference is that Joran Van der Sloot was seen by witnesses with her the last known person to be with her when she was alive. He confesses that he had sex with her. I can`t imagine that that was voluntary. And then disposes of his - of the body. Now, if it had been an innocent death, an accidental death, why not call 911, Randy?
Actually, the difference is that not only was Joran Van der Sloot one of the last known people ever to be seen with Natalee Holloway before she disappeared forever. Joran Van der Sloot had denied any involvement in Natalee’s disappearance or death from the outset. Joran has never admitted in an interview or in statements to police that he had involvement in the crime. (That is statements that we know of unless any were destroyed from 5/30/05). Until the Peter R. De Vries tape was released, Joran had denied all. Now, when he thought there was no camera or public audience … he made the admission and confession.
Let’s compare that to the situation with John Mark Karr’s “false confession as defense attorney and so called pundit Anne Bremner wants to do. From the outset John Mark Karr stated that he had involvement in the crime against Jon Benet Ramsey. Karr never said he did not do it, then he did, then he didn’t. He admitted that he killed Jon Benet and stuck to the story. Even after it was determined through DNA that John Mark Karr had no involvement in the Jon Benet murder case, he still insisted he did. John Mark Karr wanted to be found guilty.
The two cases have absolutely nothing in common when it comes to the “false confession” defense. To say that “false confession” is what Joran Van der Sloot did is just plain lazy punditry. Joran Van der Sloot has denied all involvement from day one and has lied along the way in his denials. Maybe it’s time that cable shows get pundits on that know the subject matter and are familiar with the cases, rather than the only criteria being that they are a lawyer.
Share This
Posted February 10, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Aruba, Bizarre, Crime, John Mark Karr, Joran Van der Sloot, Media, Missing Persons, Murder, Natalee Holloway, WTF, You Tube Video 18 comments

Van der Sloot , another John Mark Karr?

As some of you may know, John Mark Karr was also accused of making a false confession in the death of sweet little beauty princess JonBenet Ramsey. Personally, from my vantage point, I don't think Karr's confession was false, but, I digress. In some fashion, Van der Sloot's story reminds me of that of Karr's. If your interested in responding at the source level of this story, just click on the link within this post. Thanxx, SD

Joran Van der Sloot/Peter R. De Vries Tapes: Why Some Pundits in the...
Sunday Feb 10 Scared Monkeys
Spare us the spin that Joran Van der Sloot made a "false confession". Joran's attorney Joe Tacopina floated that concept early after the Peter De Vries tapes were released and it was shot down immediately.
Comment? Click on the following link, to comment. Third story down, there.

An Update On Officer Veenstra, As Promised. Prognosis: Good!

Wounded SWAT team officer recovering after shot to jaw
By Susan Abram, Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 02/08/2008 12:33:45 AM PST

NORTHRIDGE - As they grieved for one member of the elite SWAT unit on Thursday, hundreds of officers with the Los Angeles Police Department rushed to the hospital bedside of another fallen comrade who had taken a gunshot to the jaw but was expected to survive.
The bullet pierced Officer James Veenstra, 51, just below his lower lip as he entered a Winnetka home where a 20-year-old gunman had killed three people and eventually was shot to death by police.
Veenstra was rushed to Northridge Hospital Medical Center, where he underwent three hours of surgery to remove bullet fragments that shattered bone and teeth.
"The projectile, with all of its kinetic energy, crashed into his left lower jaw," said trauma surgeon Dr. Gabriel Aslanian.
Had the bullet traveled further, it could have pierced a major artery or brainstem, Aslanian added.
"He was very fortunate," he said, adding that Veenstra was alert, oriented and responsive after surgery. He likely will undergo more surgery that could include bone grafts, Aslanian said.
Michelle Veenstra, commanding officer of the LAPD's Central Division, sat at her husband's bedside all morning, leaving only briefly to stop at their Northridge home to change clothes, before returning. She told reporters her husband was doing well, thanks to painkillers.
"He's exactly what we expect a police officer to be," she told KCBS (Channel 2). "Honor and integrity and strength. And he puts his life down on a daily basis for all of Los Angeles, people he knows and people he doesn't know."
While Veenstra rested inside the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital, his partner, Officer Randal Simmons, 51, died about 1 a.m., a few minutes after entering the home in the 19800 block of Welby Way.
Their colleagues reflected on both men, repeatedly hailing them as trustworthy leaders and mentors. Both had been with the SWAT unit for 20 years. Both had received commendations, Simmons recently with a Crystal Angel Award for "outstanding community service" and Veenstra with the Medal of Valor in 1999 for heroism during a fatal shootout in Chatsworth in 1997, when a gunman killed Glendale police Detective Charles Lazzaretto.
Inside the hospital, visitors described seeing dozens of officers clad in SWAT uniforms gather in almost every corner of the hallways to express grief.
But as officers came back from their visit, some felt a little better knowing Veenstra, nicknamed "Jimmy," seemed in good spirits.
"We came in and he took my hand and squeezed it," said Sgt. Richard Rakitis, who served in SWAT for 12 years and knew both men.
Rakitis called Veenstra a true outdoorsman, who excels in hockey, fishing, mountain climbing and any other sport he puts his mind to.
"He's what I'd call a Renaissance man," he said. "He can speak all these languages. He's good at everything." 818-713-3664

Article extracted from online Daily News. -SDRoads

Friday, 15 February 2008

Children's Corner- Story Time Fun has been moved to page one.

Moved from page two. Simply click on the first set of comments, with in this post, and enjoy your story of choice. Have fun, SD ADDENDUM: The first set of comments, where you need to click for the children's stories, appears to be stuck at 3. However, as of this day, there are 5 stories to choose from. Sorry for the permanent scripting error. -SDRoads, Administrator 02/22/2008

Soon to Come!... IT'S HERE! The Children's Corner
The Children's Corner. This will be the place for children of all ages to cuddle up with a good blanket and encounter reading time. Each "Comment" will possess either a different news story, formulated for the intellect of a child, or story-time reading fun in the form of a traditional children's story. So, grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa, relax, and enjoy the story y'all! -SD
Posted by SDRoads at 3:06:00 PM 3 Comments

S.W.A.T. Officer James Veenstra Released From Hospital, Resting At Home

LE states that, as of this past Tuesday, Officer James Veenstra of our local S.W.A.T. Team had been transferred from Northridge Hospital to County USC-Medical Center. He is now said to be holding on quite well, recovering, before rehabilitating, comfortably at his home. He is married to L.A.P.D. Captain Michelle Veenstra. He was shot in the jaw during the Winnetka Tragedy of February the 6th, where a total of 5 were slain. Those 5 fatalities include that of the original shooter, the perpetrator, 20 year old Edwin Rivera. Rivera had suffered from mental illness. Word is, part of Veenstra's jaw had to be removed. More updates on Veenstra's recovery to come. Watch for them here. We wish you well, Officer Veenstra, along with your family! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication, along with bravery. You are a true hero. Sincerely, The Roads' Family News Center -SD

"It's quite likely he will not require any additional surgeries to deal with his injuries," Chief William Bratton told the Police Commission early Tuesday.

Thursday, 14 February 2008


From, the Roads' Family News Center, 2008.

Respects Paid To A Great Children's Role Model This Day

Respects paid to fallen S.W.A.T. Team Officer Randall Simmons in Carson, California today at the Holy Christian Fellowship International Church. A thought of who he really was poured out of the mouth of an usher who had known the gentleman for nearly a decade. "He was a man of God in all he did. The world will miss him." The Burger King in Los Angeles, at Cesar Chavez and Grand, held a fundraiser for Simmons and his family, donating yesterday's entire sales total. Today, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, choking back tears, shared his thoughts and thanks to the local media for their gentle coveraging of the death of this star officer. The viewing was today, and the funeral will be held tomorrow at 11 a.m., at the Crenshaw Christian Faith Dome with the burial occurring at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City. Thank you, Officer Simmons, for all the good you have done in your life!- From The Roads' Family News Center. -SD

kaiulani in Scottsdale, Arizona writes:

Even though this brought tears to my eyes and I'm sorry that any of this has to be written, it's so heartening to see Los Angelenos coming together like this. It's amazing in that most label us as 'fake and phony', the outpouring of support and caring shows that we're not all plastic and superficial. My heart and prayers go out to the Simmons family as they go through this difficult time.aloha/namaste'-L-

See additonal initial coverage of Officer Randall Simmons' story below.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Update On "Delta Way" From Our Camp

Anonymous said...
TMZ broke the story. Delta did not want it to go public.
February 9, 2008 2:01 AM
SDRoads said...
Thank you so much for leaving your comment. It was very informative, actually. I am going to look into this (the above information you shared with me) and, quite possibly, adjust my news blog. I appreciate your input, whomever you are. Sincerely, SD
February 11, 2008 3:10 PM

Input From Beyond The Grave

I guess time does not change all things. -SD

From Political News Daily:

"If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be... if we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." -- Thomas Jefferson

Latest News For The O.J. Simpson Campers

O.J. was thrust, not so abrubtly, back in jail again, as many of you know. While cameras were rolling, he proceeded with the comment, "I'm back!", in a very cheeky manner. I'm all for it! I know some may greet that statement of his with disdain. But, given his current situation, I feel he is handling himself quite well. Take the fact that he (may be) responsible for a double homicide out of the picture, and, the guy seems, frankly, quite likable. I almost can't blame him for being upset that his stuff was "stolen" (allegedly). I have had things stolen from me (several times), as well, and still somewhat cringe at the fact. For me, not only were they big-ticket items, but, also, items of such value to me, and my family, personally. They were very irreplacable. I can't imagine why someone would want pictures of my daughter, and a year calendar with a photo of me and the love of my life laid out in scroll fashion, and journals; writings of the heart, among a host of other things! But, I digress. I can't say he handled himself incorrectly. Though, I can't vouch for any kind of armed enforcement (alleged armed enforcement), lest it's the kind used by LE (Law Enforcement) in the most appropriate of manner, or by civillians in self defense mode, I might add, I can vouch for this: The guy (more than likely) got caught up in emotion... over everything. Give the guy some slack. Wouldn't you want some rope (not to hang yourself with) if you were in that same situation? And don't give me that, "I would never be in a situation like that!" routine. It could happen to any of us... it could happen to the best of us. And that is my commentary! -SDRoads

Friday, 8 February 2008

The Trouble-Shooter

Hi. It's SD. I just took up the process of trouble-shooting for this site again. As it stands, one can only post "anonymously". If you'd like to post, and want to leave your name, then please include your name in the bottom of your post and click "anonymous" before submitting. First, simply click on "Comments" immediately below each main post of choice to add your comment. Then, post away! Thank you for your patience. Please continue to bear with us, here at The Road's Family News Center. This is new for me, I am still learning all the ropes. Thanxx.
Sincerely, SD, Administrator Oh, and have a great day, y'all! --Over and out!

Delta Burke Currently Seeking Psychiatric Care!

On TMZ, late last night, very late, I might add, close to midnight, California time, I learned that Delta Burke has checked herself into a Psychiatric Hospital! She gave her story to TMZ through a phone interview. Such a brave thing to do. I'm sure with the money and influence behind her, and her husband, actor Gerald McRaney, she could have staffed off the story coming out a little longer. --You go Girl! Share with us your story! Keep being ever so sweetly brave. By telling your tale, you may be able to help others! I am quite proud of you!-- The irony lies in the fact that Britney Spears wanted "desperately" out, and not so long after, nearly immediately, Delta Burke wanted desperataely in! Check out the latest news covering through the link within this post. Something I found to be quite peculiar is, there is one story out there that says she's in, and one story that says she's not! Go figure! I'm praying for ya Delta Way. -SD,_Delta/gallery/AGM-000085/&h=267&w=400&sz=32&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=yp36MkR-EK1lfM:&tbnh=83&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDelta%2BBurke%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

02/08/2008 In The S.W.A.T. Frontlines-- One Dead, One Injured In Local S.W.A.T. Tragedy Yesterday

Standoff is over, but SWAT officer is killed in gunbattle with barricaded suspect
By Jason Kandel, Staff Writer
Article Launched: 02/07/2008 06:11:36 AM PST

A man who had telephoned authorities to say he had killed three family... (Gene Blevins/Daily News)

WINNETKA - Los Angeles police officers this morning rammed a vehicle into the home a man who killed a SWAT officer and wounded another after he claimed to have killed three family members.
Police pumped the house full of tear gas about 6 a.m., and the house became engulfed in flames. The fire was possibly caused by a flash-bang grenade, said LAPD Deputy Chief Michel Moore, the Valley Bureau's top cop. He also said that it was also possible that the suspect caused the fire.
The suspect was reported dead at the scene.
The incident began over 10 hours ago when the man, who was reported to be in custody, had telephoned authorities to say he had killed three family members. He allegedly shot to death an LAPD SWAT officer today and

Los Angeles Police Officer Randy Simmons died in the line of duty this morning in a standoff with a barricaded suspect in Winnetka. wounded another during a gunbattle inside a Winnetka home, police said.
It was the first fatality in the history of the elite LAPD SWAT team, which was created in 1967.
Officer Randy Simmons, 51, died at 1 a.m. James Veenstra, also 51, was injured, police said this morning. Both worked on the SWAT team for 20 years. Veenstra is in critical condition and is expected to survive. He is the husband of a LAPD captain.
"It was a tragedy what happened out there," said LAPD Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell. "But it could havae been much worse."
An emotional Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine said the officers did a tremendous job.
"This is this is very quiet, well established community," he said. "This is highly unusual for
this community."
At 5 a.m., the man remained barricaded inside the home in 19800 block Welby Way, First-Assistant police Chief Jim McDonnell said in a briefing outside Northridge Medical Center on Roscoe Blvd. in Northridge.
Some 200 officers, included SWAT team members, surrounded the residence in a standoff that McDonnell referred to as an ongoing "dynamic tactical situation." An armored SWAT vehicle was at the scene and helicopters circled overhead.
Police did not immediately confirm

Officer James Veenstra was injured this morning in a standoff with a barricaded suspect in Winnetka. (Gene Blevins/Daily News)that three civilians had been killed, as the suspect said when he called police last night, but people familiar with the operation told camera crews at the scene that two bodies were inside the residence in addition to the one that could be seen on the front lawn.
McDonnell said SWAT officers entered the residence shortly after 12:30 a.m., triggering an exchange in which two veteran officers were wounded. One died at Northridge Medical Center shortly after 1 this morning, and the other was in surgery as of 5 a.m., he said in a briefing also attended by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Each of the two officers who was shot spent more than 25 years in the Los Angeles Police Department, more than 20 in the SWAT team, McDonnell said.
Even though the SWAT team has been involved in thousands of incidents, this was the first to have claimed the life of one of the unit's members, he said.
"I want to say how deeply saddened we are this morning that we lost a member of our LAPD family," McDonnell said. "Our hearts and prayers go out to these families at this tough time."
Villaraigosa said the officer's death was a reminder of how perilous the work performed by police.
The incident began around 9 p.m. yesterday when a man locked himself up inside a home near Vanowen Street and Oakdale Avenue, according to an officer at the Los Angeles Police Department's West Valley Station.
Chief William Bratton, who has been attending an international conference of police chiefs in Vancouver, Canada, is returning to L.A. in response to the incident, police said.

ARTICLE PULLED FROM THE DAILY BREEZE, 02/08/2008. This situation is what I had woken up to on the morning of February the 7th, 2008. -SD

Thursday, 7 February 2008

The Romance Department

In honor of upcoming Valentine's Day, what sweet story of romance do you have to share? Want to dedicate a space to a loved one? This is the spot. Simply click on the Comments Section just below, and announce the love of your life. This will be an ongoing segment. Feel free to post your stories of love all through out the year! Love, SD

Current Amber Alerts!

As of 02/29/2008, 1:41 p.m.,
Active AMBER Alerts
There are Currently No Active AMBER Alerts
As of 02/23/2008,
our site reports the following current Amber Alerts:
Randy Lin Paducah, KY on Feb 22, 2008
William John Foote Grand Blanc, MI on Jan 17, 2008
Matashia L'Faith Holder... Portsmouth, VA on Dec 19, 2007
William Sullivan Forney, TX on Dec 11, 2007
Billy Wyatt Mapel Jeffersonville, KY on Dec 7, 2007
Zina LinnickTacoma, WA on July 4, 2007
Shawn HornbeckSt. Louis, MO on Oct 6, 2002
As of 02/20/2008
There are Currently No Active AMBER Alerts
As of 02/19/2008
There are Currently No Active AMBER Alerts.
As of 02/15/2008
There are Currently No Active AMBER Alerts.
As of 02/11/2008, 3:52 p.m.:

Adrian Jaimes

Austin, TX (Travis County)

02-07-2008 , STATUS: FOUND!

Seth Guerrero

Denton, TX (Denton County)

02-03-2008 , STATUS: FOUND!

Jaylin Talamantes

El Paso, TX (El Paso County)

01-30-2008 , STATUS: FOUND!

Bryan Gomes

Estero, FL (Lee County)

12-05-2006, STATUS: MISSING!
As of 02/08/2008, 11:25 a.m.:
There are Currently No Active AMBER Alerts
Adrian Jaimes
Austin, TX
Sarah Coronado
Houston, TX

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Foster Care and Adoption. Hot topics?

Though, they are back burner issues, Hillary Clinton spent a considerable amount of time on topics of less notoriaty, such as the Foster Care and Adoption Systems. I have a feeling not a lot of folks knew about this. If there is anything that you would like to contribute to this topic, please do so in the Comment Section immediately below. Thank you so much. -SD

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

A New Construction Area. Put on your Hardhats! --For Buffles

A song I am now creating is about to be born. I just thought of it like 15 minutes ago. It is called, So, Here I Am. Keep an eye out for it, the finished product will be found right here, within this post. Each update, each new lyric, will be posted in the comments section of this post. I don't have to worry about CopyRight, on this one. It will obviously be mine. LoL Love, SD
I hope it helps people. ...

On The Homefront

This is the segment for the Roads' Family News Letters. Each comment will posess a different newsletter and/or update. For you, Jillie Girl..... It's the Archives of our Lives, that of the Family!... your family.... -SD, your Mom

Monday, 4 February 2008

I am virtually done working on this website. Construction is finished!

The rest I ever add will just be like the curtains for the windows. The foundation has been set. I am exhausted. I did not get any sleep last night. I suppose that didn't help the exhaustion factor here. A big thing that I have been itchin' to get advice on, has now come up. Today is the day! And, still, I have not asked for the advice. I hadn't really had a chance to... or, been given the opportunity to. I hope all goes well. Jesus, be with me. You, too, God. And the same goes for you Holy Spirit. ; ) Please. 4 o'clock p.m., California time, this day. In Jesus' name, Amen. -SDRoads P.S. The date of the official launching of this site has yet to be announced. But, for my friends that know of this site already, please pray that I'll be o.k. I know you don't have all the details, but, God does. And, he knows what I need. Thanxx --Out

Friday, 1 February 2008

Soon to Come!... IT'S HERE! The Children's Corner

The Children's Corner. This will be the place for children of all ages to cuddle up with a good blanket and encounter reading time. Each "Comment" will possess either a different news story, formulated for the intellect of a child, or story-time reading fun in the form of a traditional children's story. So, grab yourself a cup of hot cocoa, relax, and enjoy the story y'all! -SD

The Race of the Funds

Which Candidate, left in the GOP Race, is raising the most money in your state? Check the Interactive Map at the link, shown to the right, entitled: Interactive Map. -SD