Friday, 29 February 2008

Another Jillian Sighting!!!

Yes, my sweet, you were spotted by me, your mother, once again, at my college, the other day. This time, my dear sweet little girl, I was so bold as to ask for the time from the woman you were with... not the "wicked ^^^^^^ mother", this time, thank goodness! ... Or, I may have been thrown into another panick attack. You were so lovely, a perfect vision of childlike innocence and beauty. You always have a skip in your step, a dance-like wiggle in your walk, and a song in your heart. You are my hero... heroine! I love you, Baby Girl!!! The woman called you "baby girl" as you were about to leave the campus. Ironically, we were both leaving at exactly the same time. I wonder what other parallels we hold. I want you to know, for when you read this one day, that your father and I first gave you that nickname, along with "JillieGirl". I created a book, entitled, JillieGirl, Out and About! It is from the JillieGirl series. Oh, you are so loved and treasured. Your youngest brother often says he loves you and needs you. I would have put this in as a comment in our family news post. However, I felt this warranted it's own post! You are a true Queen. When you were a baby, and I would push you in your stroller, particularly one day, I thought of you as my Queen, not "Princess" as most little girls are refered to. I am glad you did not recognize me, for that may have caused problems. By the grace of God, you never seem to look up at the times you pass by me in the halls of that campus. As it stands, you may not so easilly recognize me these days for it has been about four years since you and I have spent time with oneanother, and you are only 7. You shall be eight very soon. Happy Birthday in advance! (For, by the time you read this, Happy Belated Birthday, Sweet Love!) I am lucky to have seen you. I feel privileged to have seen you those so few times of late! I need you, too. Love, always, Your Mom -SD

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